
62 5 142

TW: Cussing, crying, kissing, and mentions of rape, 

Get Google Translate out in advance for this one.

John cried softly on Thomas's shoulder, the tears echoed throughout the dorm room, as Thomas soothed John. "Do you want me to text him for you? Because the more you keep it in the more it's going to bubble up, and you'll feel worse,"

John shook his head against Thomas's shoulder, his hair tickling the man's neck, Thomas sighed, before picking up his phone to call Alex, "Thomas, he might not even be up at this time," John's voice shook with every word, he was clasping inside,

He felt so guilty for what he had done, the number of times Thomas had to reassure him that it wasn't his fault probably annoyed Thomas.

He probably hates you,

"It's Hamiltrash, he'll be up," Thomas reassured,

Thomas pressed a button and the phone began to ring, the sound of rings filled John's ears, the sound itself was rather quiet, but to John. It felt like someone was screaming at him.

"What do you want Jeffershit," Alexander's voice spoke through the phone rather loudly, despite it being 1 AM.

"Told you he'd be up." Thomas said, ignoring Alex's, "Are you sure you want me to tell him?" Thomas looked into John's eyes trying to find some form of confidence,

"No," John's voice was light, and rather shaky, despite his efforts, he couldn't mask the fact that he had just been crying.

"Could you tell me what? John, are you okay? What happened? Would you like me to be there? I can be there within a minute, 30 seconds if I don't put on shoes," Alex started to bombard John with questions, talking non-stop.

"Do you need me to punch someone? Did you get hurt? Has someone hurt you? Is it some you know's birthday tomorrow, and you forgot to give them a birthday present?" Alexander asked, his voice clinging with desperation.

"Alex, John's fine,"

"Then why is John crying? John, say help in another language if you need help, is he holding you, hostage? Because I may be short, I will not hesitate to sucker punch Jefferson, right in the" Alex started,

"Il a besoin d'aide pour s'éloigner de ton cul trop attentionné" Thomas replied calmy intruppting the other man on the phone.

"Thomas! Just tell me what happened!" Alexander snapped, the frustration on his side was clear, his sigh being the sound that filled the room."

"C'est ce que j'essayais de faire, alors arrête d'être un connard et écoute-moi !" Jefferson shouted back. When Thomas was frustrated, he'd speak a differnt launge. This made debate club a pain, escpaily with hamilton being one of the few people who knew what he was saying,

Instead of translating it correctly, he would make Thomas seem stupid, and mess up the words.

But James shut this down by breaking the old habit. But, James wasn't there, he was in the bed, throwing his guts out in the bathroom toilet, but over the loud end credits, and the yelling, it was hard to hear him.

Thomas wasn't the one who had just made this habit, it was John actually, who had gotten it from his mother. When she was happy, she would speak in Spanish, so naturally, John picked up on that.

But, it turns out that she wasn't happy all of the time, and-


"John a été violé, et maintenant il a peur de te le dire parce qu'il pense que c'est de la triche, et il m'a dit de te le dire parce qu'il pense que tu le détesteras pour le reste de sa vie et que tu vas rompre avec lui." Thomas spat out, rushing his words.

There was a loud beep on the other end, signifying that the other person had just ended the call.

"No no no no, he's breaking up with me, the one good boyfriend, why can't I have anything," John busted out into tears, "Joder, ¿por qué no puedo hacer nada bien?" John cried, before stopping himself "¡Mierda! Sueno igual que mi madre."

"If he's a good boyfriend, then he'll understand, if he breaks up with you, then he's not worth it John," Thomas said sternly, getting up at the sound of a knock

John could feel his heart pounding in his chest, sending waves of adrenaline coursing through his veins. John's heart was pounding so hard that he could feel it in his ears. His breathing became shallow, and his body tensed up With each passing moment, the anticipation and anxiety grew more palpable until the door opened, 

Suddenly, he saw a short figure rushing towards him, and he was engulfed in a tight embrace. It was Alexander, his boyfriend. Alexander's words were comforting, "Hey, you did nothing wrong okay? I just, need you to answer a question, wait, do you wanna be touched? Well, not like 'touch touch', but like a hug, because I can let go of you if you need space. Feel free to say no, I'm not trying to pressure you into anything that you don't want," Alexander questioned, letting go of John, fidgeting with his hands.

"Alex, what's the question you need me to answer, please, Yes, I do want you to hug me, I just, want to be with you right now, I need someone to talk to," John pleaded, he felt safe within Alexander's arms, and he wrapped his arms around Alexander's waist, tugging him back down with him, pulling him closer.

"Of course, I'm right here, but, um, John, who?" Alexander asked, whispering the last word.

As they looked into each other's eyes, John's tears began to dry, and he felt peaceful and calm. Alexander's hands moved up to rest on John's neck, and he brought their lips together in a soft, tender, and, reassuring kiss. John felt a sense of passion, he didn't feel uncomfortable or uneasy when Alexander pulled him in closer,

The embrace was a moment of pure love, and John was grateful for the caring and supportive presence of Alexander by his side. Alexander ran his fingers through his hair, instead of taking his ponytail down,

He kept it up,

Oh no! Madison and Sammy haven't been given much angst recently on my wheel of angst, so you know what that means!

Also, a small detail I might be wrong. But in the election of 1800, Alexander used the word "yo" to announce his presence. Now this could be argued that he was talking to A-Aron, BUT, he's just speaking to him. But right after he says: "Yo, the people are asking to hear my voice" And after Yo, the instruments get louder, almost meaning that he's getting back into politics, and politics are loud. What does this all have to do with a lams fanfic? Well, What does John Laurens say to introduce himself in Aaron Burr, Sir, I guessed it, "Yo" showing that he's still not over he's boyfriend death. And that he still misses him to the point where he's copying things he says. Just a theory I picked up on.

Anyway, I'm gonna try and finish homework that I didn't procrastinate on yesterday, have fun, and stay safe. 

-Celeste out!

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