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TW: Kissing, cussing, rape, and smut

I'm sorry I'm so so sorry, this is my first smut chapter ever I'm like cringing as I re-read this

And for the video, I was bored and just watched that

Tuesday: 8:25 P.M.

The crisp winter-like air hit Alex and John's faces as they walked to John's dorm room, hand in hand. Their steps were light and their hearts were full of anticipation.

As soon as they reached the door, Alex pulled John closer and kissed him deeply on the lips. John's response was immediate, and soon they were lost in the heat of the moment, their bodies pressed tightly together.

As the kiss ended, Alex gazed into John's eyes and whispered, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." 

John returned the sentiment with a smile, "Right back at you, amour," before kissing him again, this time with more intensity, pinning him against the door.

Their make-out session was interrupted by a voice from the living room next door. Hercules was eating cereal and watching TV with Lafayette on his side when he yelled, "Could you do that in your free time, and when you do maybe not block the door?"

John and Alex broke their kiss and chuckled. "See you later, amour," John said before leaving the dorm room. 

"Talk to Francis, okay?" he reminded John.

Alex watched John leave, his heart beating fast with excitement and a hint of nervousness. John had to break up with Francis, and Alex knew it wasn't going to be easy.

John made his way to Francis's dorm room and knocked softly on the door. The door opened slowly, revealing Francis's handsome face, with a smirk on his lips, and his arms wrapped around John's waist. "Hey, Johnny," he purred, his eyes locked onto John's.

"Francis, we need to break up," John said, his tone abrupt, as Francis tried to kiss him.

Francis was taken aback by John's sudden announcement. He didn't want to let him go, but he knew he had to try. He led John inside and closed the door. He cupped John's face gently and looked into his eyes. "John, wait, come on, you act like, I'd let you leave so soon" he whispered seductively as he guided him towards the bed.

As Francis pushed John onto the bed, John felt the soft, warm, sheets press his back as the pillows felt like they weren't trying to provide him comfort, instead, he felt himself drowning in them.

The soft words of Francis meant nothing to John, the praise that Francis gave him was an attempt to soothe him. Did nothing but remind John of how Francis wasn't his, the mattress John found himself positioning on, only served as a reminder that someone had already been there.

John wasn't special, no matter how many times Francis said he was.

"You look beautiful today Johnny," Francis cooed, biting John's ear softly, as he got rid of his own shirt.

That's a Lie

John could smell the fragrance of another man in the room. It wasn't Francis's or his, but rather the pillows and the sheets. The room was full of the lavender smell of another, it smelt like gardens and forest.

He probably looks better than John as well

Francis put his hand up John's shirt as he sucked on his neck with aggression, at that moment, John's stomach dropped. The sucking on his neck became faster and rougher, as if, Francis was a vampire who was stealing oxygen from John.

What about Alex?

The shirt on John tightened on him, the oxygen that he was getting in was limited as he tried to gasp for air. This turned into hyperventilating, "Francis, please, stop, I, I can't breathe," the gasps turned into tears as John struggled to push Francis off of him. "Please, I don't want this."

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