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TW: Suicidal thought (Just a brief thought though), bad parenting,  middle name dropping, academic validation, yelling, crying, and kissing.

This took so long to make! but thankfully it's over 2925 words, (New record!), so you know, that's always great. Also, just play Top of My School while listening to this, It matches the vibe.

Tuesday: 7:32 A.M.

George wakes up with a yawn and stretches his arms, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. He walks over to the light yellow kitchen counter, which is elegant yet simple, with a white wooden finish and a white marble top. The free-standing cabinets gleam in the morning light, and George can't help but smile at the sight.

 He paid extra for the design of the kitchen to be Samuel's favorite color, and it was worth every penny to see the joy it brings him.

George opens the refrigerator and takes out a banana, an apple, and some strawberries. He places them in a blender and watches as the fruits are crushed into a smoothie, producing a beautiful pinkish color. He pours the smoothie into a cup, taking pleasure in the sound of the liquid filling the glass.

He then proceeds to make Samuel's breakfast, pouring a bowl of Lucky Charms and adding a golden spoon. He knows how much Samuel loves green tea, so he brews a cup and places it on the counter, the steam rising from the cup in delicate wisps. 

Samuel's favorite tea, and he loved it. Probably more than he loved him. George placed it on the counter, sat down on the chairs, drank his smoothie, and did homework that was due in two weeks. "Hey love, thank you for the food, I love you" Samuel cooed from behind George.

"Hey darling, how has your day been?" George asked, watching Samuel sit down to eat his food.

"I just woke up love," Samuel joked, frowning slightly when he saw that George was doing homework, and nothing else but a smoothie for breakfast, "But it's been ten times better when I see my lovely boyfriend, do you want me to make you something to eat?' Samuel asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Oh! Shoot, I forgot about that, I can make it myself, don't you have a club to do? I don't want you to waste your time on me, book club right?" George encouraged, George knew what Samuel was trying to do. Sure he was a workaholic, but, he needed to try. He wouldn't do well without studying for five hours.

Sure, He did have eye bags that were dark and heavy, but he was a month early on every single test, grade, and project. by the time the class had gotten around to doing it, he already had a grade on it, of course, it was an A+.

But, it was like everything he did was never enough, everyone was ahead of him, on everything, it was just like he was just behind, and yet ahead of everyone. Like he was doing well but not enough, not enough.

Maybe it was because when he was a child he just didn't get to show he was good at anything, or how other people did things for him. He hated when one of his maids spent Christmas with him instead of her family or waited until he was asleep to even think about eating so that if he needed anything they would be there for him.

At first, he was fine with it, he thought nothing of it, but when Samuel walked into his life. God he got humbled quickly, they both met when they were four.

Yes, It's a small age but, George remembered all the pain he felt when he saw Samuel getting love and attention for doing something good, but when he tried to do anything he got yelled at for not letting the maids do it for him.

"Okay, thank you for the food, I love you," Samuel said with a smile, giving him a small peck on the lips before leaving quickly.

And there George was alone, everyone was doing something, and Alexander was probably hanging out with John. Lafayette was with Hercules, and they were out on a date, or in a club, and here George was, working on homework that wasn't even given out to the class.

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