
30 3 71

TW: Mentions of Francis, mentions of bruises/abuse, talk of rape, Yelling, mentions of cheating, and forcing someone into sex.

Friday: 6:13 AM

"Thanks, Charles for your breakfast you didn't have to," Alexander said his grip on John's hand was tight as he stood behind him slightly

He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be cuddling with John in the bed. Kissing him as they joked and laughed.

Even having eye contact with Charles made him weary.

"Of course, no problem have a nice day," Charles said from the couch as he ate a bag of marshmallows

Alexander pulled John into his dorm again and shut the door. "Why is he here?" Alexander mumbled as he pushed John to the door pulling on his collar.

"Well, it's complicated," John said his face flushing as Alexander got close to his face.

"Is he forcing you to take care of him?" Alexander said pressing his chest against John. His face was full of concern as he let go of his collar.

John looked away quickly his breathing got a little shallow as he tried to explain himself

"Alex he-"

"He's manipulating you, isn't he?" Alexander spoke nervously cupping John's face.

"Alexander if you-"

"Blink twice if you need help because-"

John pulled Alexander into a kiss-wrapping his hands around his waist. "Shut up for once, cher" John smiled as he stopped kissing him.

"But John are you-"

"I'm fine, we made up we are friends now"

Alexander let out a deep sigh, his face turning red with embarrassment. His hands, which had been cradling John's face, fell limply to his sides. 

"Oh?" he said, his voice laced with a hint of self-deprecation. 

"Now I feel stupid for getting worried over nothing." He shook his head, feeling stupid.

"Also, I wanted to talk to you about something that's been on my mind for a while," Alexander said fidgeting with his hands as he tried gaining his confidence.

"What's up, Lexi?" John asked, his breathing slowing down when Alexander backed away from him.

"Who raped you?"

"What?" John said freezing up at the sudden change of topic.

"It's been on my mind for a long time now, and after that fight, I just who? You never did tell me"

Silence filled the dorm room as John looked at Alex.

"Well... it's not an easy topic for me" John said, the blush on his face fading.

"Please John"

"Um... don't freak out okay?" John said feeling himself slowly freak out.

"Do I know them?"

"You..." John didn't know if he wanted to lie or not, but he sighed giving in. "You do"

"Are they a student here?" Alexander asked tilting his head.

"And- it's pretty depressing to think that- that you know this person and you're kind of being friendly with him"

"John, please tell me,"

John sighs a little bit and he closes his eyes tightly now. 

He has to say it he can't hold it back anymore but he's also afraid that it might affect his relationship with Alex. He opens his eyes again and looks at Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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