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TW: Death, Mentions of Suicide, Illness, yelling, kissing, implied sex, hurricane mention, boy x boy, and almost fainting Enjoy!!


The morning was slow and peaceful as Alexander gradually woke up to a loud ringing in his ear. It took him a few seconds to realize that it was his phone, and he immediately knew that John must have stayed up late talking to him again. With a lazy stretch, Alexander sat up and picked up his phone, his heart already filled with warmth.

I'm John Laurens in the place to be~

"Hello honning, how has your day been?" Alexander cooed, smiling softly as he answered the call. Standing up to brush his teeth and wash his face

But the voice on the other end was not John's. Instead, it was Thomas Jefferson, and he sounded stern and serious.

"Alexander, we need to talk," Jefferson said, his voice heavy with emotion.

Alexander was taken aback by the sudden change in tone. "Oh, hey Thomas, how's your day been?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

"Horrible, Alexander, do you not know what happened?" Jefferson cried slightly, his voice cracking with emotion. 

Alexander felt a chill run down his spine, and his heart sank. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "No, what happened? Thomas? Is John okay?" he asked, the fear in his voice slowly seeping out.

But Jefferson's response was heartbreaking. "Alexander, John has sadly passed away, we found his body in his bathroom, he, um he, killed himself, he left notes and, he left one for you as well, do you want me to read it?" he said, his voice filled with sorrow and grief.

The news hit Alexander like a ton of bricks. His face turned a sickly shade of pale, and his eyes widened in disbelief. "What?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. It cracked softly as he struggled to come to terms with what he had just heard. 

Overwhelmed with emotions, he dropped the phone and fell to his knees, his body trembling uncontrollably. He brought his hands to his face and cried loudly, his sobs echoing through the empty room like a chorus of pain. 

It seemed as if everyone within a five-mile radius could probably hear him, but he didn't care. He just wanted his loved one back. He needed John back in his life. His mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. "Why did everyone I love have to leave me?" he said to himself, feeling helpless and alone.

 "Please, tell me that you're lying. Wait, don't tell me." He didn't want to hear the reality of the situation. 

Suddenly, a faint voice interrupted his thoughts. "Alexander," the voice said softly. It was distant at first, but the more Alexander cried, the louder it became. "Mon Ami? ALEX! WAKE UP!" Lafayette shook Alexander violently, desperate to bring him back to reality. 

Tuesday: 6:52 A.M.

Alexander woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air. His breathing was heavy, and tears were streaming down his face like a river of sorrow. Lafayette's hands were on his shoulders, still shaking him. "What? Where's John? Is he okay?" Alexander asked frantically.

"Hey, hey, calm down, Lexi..." Lafayette said, hugging Alexander tightly to reassure him. 

"Don't call me that! Only John gets to call me that, and John's not here. He's gone. John's gone..." Alexander cried, pushing Lafayette's hands away and shoving him. "He's gone, and I did nothing to stop it." 

"I won't call you that. And look at me, John is here. It was just a bad dream," Lafayette said, trying to comfort Alexander. 

The sound of Alexander's crying intensified as he realized that it was just a dream. Tears continued to roll down his face as he kept repeating, "It was just a dream," in disbelief. 

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