
53 6 163

TW: Kissing, medication, and, mention of bruises

Wednesday: 5:23

The living room of John's cozy dorm was filled with warmth and comfort. A large, plush sofa sat against the wall, with colorful cushions scattered on it. A fluffy rug covered the floor, and a small coffee table stood in the center of the room. The walls were adorned with various paintings and pictures, giving the room a personal touch.

John was lounging on a plush purple velvet sofa, enjoying the softness of the fabric against his skin. He felt warm and comfortable, his body enveloped by the arms of his beloved Alexander. Alexander was still feeling the effects of a sleepless night spent scrolling through Instagram. The dark circles under his eyes were a testament to his lack of rest.

John sat upright, his cheek pressed against Alexander's shoulder, taking in the scent of his lover's cologne. Alexander's hair was free from its ponytail and sprawled out on the cushions. His legs were resting on John's lap, as he stretched out in comfort, his toes occasionally brushing against John's calves.

"Did you manage to get some rest?" Alexander asked, switching off his phone and moving closer to John, wrapping his arm around his waist. "You look absolutely stunning today," he complimented, nuzzling his face into John's side. John blushed, feeling his heart flutter in his chest.

"Alex, I..." John began but hesitated. What if Alex didn't feel the same way about him?

"Are you trying to butter me up for something?" John questioned, his voice laced with humor and fondness.

"I just can't help but admire your beauty," Alexander replied, tilting his head to the side as if lost in thought. "Your hair is all over the place and it looks so hot. Your adorable freckles just enhance the beauty of your brown eyes. I could stare into them all day. Can I kiss you?" he asked, licking his lips in anticipation.

John felt a shiver run down his spine at the sight of Alexander's parted lips. "Stop asking. You're ruining the surprise," John said with a smile.

"What surprise?" Alexander asked, bringing his legs down from John's lap and narrowing his eyes.

"This," John said, swiftly cupping Alexander's chin with one hand and placing the other on his back. He leaned in and kissed the man he loved, Alexander. The kiss was sweet and tender, filled with all the love and longing that had been building up between them for so long.

Alexander's eyes widened, and he placed his hands on John's neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. As their lips met, Alexander's senses heightened, and he could smell the subtle fragrance of John's cologne mixed with his natural scent. 

The warmth of John's body against his own made Alexander's heart race with excitement. As they let go of each other to take a breath, Alex took a deep breath of air, feeling the coolness of the air enter his lungs. His eyes shone with happiness.

As John and Alexander stood facing each other, the sunlight streamed in through the window, casting a warm glow on their faces. Alexander's eyes drifted towards the bruises on John's neck. The marks were fading, but still noticeable.

"You know, your bruises are healing," Alexander observed, his voice laced with concern.

John responded with a teasing tone, "You gonna kiss them to make them feel better?" A mischievous glint flashed in his eyes, revealing his playful nature.

Alexander blushed and quickly looked away. "I swear, John, I'm not about to deal with you today," he said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

John took a move closer, closing the distance between them. "You'll have to deal with me, we're dating after all," he reminded Alexander, a hint of humor in his voice.

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