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TW: Crying, kissing, mentions of hitting, implied homophobia, self-hatred, implied sex, and people being interrupted by phones.

Court_joker & ThatEnzoGuy, I listened to you guys, kind of.

Sunday: 4:56 P.M.

Thomas and James were nestled up together on the big, comfy couch, surrounded by soft blankets and fluffy pillows. The room was dimly lit, with only the glow from the TV illuminating their faces they were watching one of those relaxing rain videos that claimed to cure depression, anxiety, and stress. The sound of the raindrops falling on the roof and the gentle breeze blowing through the trees was incredibly soothing. It seemed to take them to a peaceful place, far away from the noise and chaos of the outside world. Thomas was savoring the last few bites of his delicious mac and cheese, while James gazed affectionately at him, his eyes filled with warmth and adoration. The sound of the raindrops falling on the roof and the gentle breeze blowing through the trees was incredibly soothing. It seemed to take them to a peaceful place, far away from the noise and chaos of the outside world.

Thomas had made a bowl of his favorite mac and cheese for dinner, and he was enjoying every bite of it. James was looking at him lovingly, admiring the way he savored each mouthful, completely lost in the moment. When Thomas caught James's gaze, he smiled softly and spoke in a gentle tone, "James, are you going to kiss me or not, because you've been staring at me for half an hour."

James chuckled and jokingly replied, "But Tommy, my face won't move on its own, you must do it for me." Thomas rolled his eyes playfully and leaned in to give James a quick peck on the lips. James looked at him, almost offended, and Thomas kissed him again, slower, with more passion.

They were lost in the moment when suddenly the phone rang, jolting them out of their intimate moment. James sighed and rolled his eyes as Thomas answered the phone, his voice sounding hollow and distant. The only sounds in the room were the fake rain from the TV, the soft patter of Thomas's dog's paws on the floor, and the chirping of James's birds.

After the call, Thomas was visibly upset, sniffling, and on the brink of tears. James pulled him into a tight embrace and asked softly, "Do you want to talk about it, Tommy?"

"She was talking about how much she hated me. The only reason she hadn't disowned me was because she believed I could still change my ways, hey, let's watch a movie." Thomas replied calmly, but James could sense the pain in his voice.

James knew how much Thomas's mother's opinion meant to him. They had always been close, and Thomas had always looked up to her. But ever since he had come out to her, things had been different. She had never fully accepted him for who he was, and she always seemed to find fault in everything he did.

James felt a pang of guilt in his chest as he snuggled up close to Thomas again. He couldn't help but wonder if he was the cause of Thomas's troubles with his mother. Maybe if he hadn't pursued Thomas, his mother would still love him. Perhaps, if he had convinced Thomas to date Sally, he and his mother could have had a better relationship. But he knew that he loved Thomas with all his heart and would do anything to make him happy, even if that meant him not being there.

As they watched Cinderella, Thomas's mind was filled with thoughts of his mother. He remembered the times when they used to be so close when she would hold him as a child and tell him how much she loved him. But now, all of that seemed like a distant memory. He couldn't help but feel like he had disappointed her like he had let her down.

James could see the pain in Thomas's eyes, and he tried to hold him close, tried to comfort him with his touch, but it seemed like nothing he did could make a difference. Thomas was lost in his thoughts, lost in the past, lost in the memories of what could have been. Meanwhile, James only felt guilt, about how he could've prevented this.

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