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TW: Cussing, Yelling, Kissing, Cheating, Basically, this is saying no to this


Tuesday: 11:23 AM (Yes It's still the same day)

Francis and John's relationship was tumultuous. 

They didn't engage in typical couple bickering, but rather, full-blown fights over trivial matters. It was as if Francis was always looking for a reason to pick a fight with John. If John didn't silence his phone or if Alexander's face was slightly flushed in John's presence, Francis would become upset.

It was never Francis's fault in his mind. However, it must be noted that Francis cheated on John with John's best friend when they were in high school. When John confronted Francis about the infidelity, Francis didn't take responsibility for his actions and instead blamed John for trying to control who he loved.

But god forbid John and Alex sat too close to each other

It's as if Francis was acting like John was the one who cheated on him

Despite Francis's betrayal, John forgave him and allowed him back into his life. But, it seemed as though Francis couldn't let go of the past, and he was always looking for a reason to blame John for their problems. 

John didn't understand why Francis acted as if he were the one who had his heart broken repeatedly. All the arguments were always due to John's supposed faults. 

For instance, if John overslept because his roommate was coming over, Francis would become angry at him. Normally, John wouldn't care because he knew how it felt to not want to admit that you are gay to somebody you see all of the time.

It was like that with his father,

But Francis's roommate was aware of their relationship.

Francis's roommate was the same person Francis cheated on him with, 

John was sitting on Francis's bed, hunched over his sketchbook, with his pencil in hand. As he drew, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. His once confident strokes had become shaky and uncertain as if the pencil was foreign in his hand. 

Alex always found John's drawings amazing,

The memory of Francis's harsh words still lingered in his mind. He had told John that his drawings were worthless and that he was wasting his time pursuing something that nobody cared about. 

John's heart ached with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he wanted to believe Francis and forget about his passion for art, but on the other hand, Alexander's encouragement and praise meant everything to him. 

Alex always found a way into John's heart.

Alexander saw something special in John's artistry and always told him that he would be the best artist in town. John felt torn between these two opposing forces, and their words echoed in his head, leaving him feeling lost and unsure of himself.

Francis swung open the door with a force that echoed through the hallway, the door hitting the wall so hard that it could be heard from the adjacent room. "Nice to see you, Johnny," Francis cooed, his voice soft and tender, as he walked slowly towards John. As he got closer, he reached out and gently caressed John's face, his fingers trailing down his cheek. Then, he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on John's lips. 

As Francis kissed him, John couldn't help but notice the coldness of his hands, which stood in stark contrast to Alex's warm touch. He also couldn't help but compare Francis's lips to Alex's, which were always warm and inviting. 

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