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TW: Mentions of throwing up, mentions of bulimia, mentions of getting into fights, and bruises,

Wednesday: 9:38 PM

James sat slumped on the couch, staring blankly at the TV. The sound of people laughing and talking filled the room, but James didn't feel a thing.

His head tilted back, and his eyes glued to the TV. The sound of people laughing and talking filled the room, but James didn't react to any of it.

He was lost in his thoughts, trying to distract himself from the negative emotions. James felt empty, like a hollow shell that had lost its soul. 

 He felt empty, like a record player that had lost its tune and was now spinning aimlessly. 

He was trying to distract himself from the negative thoughts that had escaped from the bathroom, thoughts that made him feel bad about himself. 

James was telling himself that he wasn't good enough for anyone, that he deserved the worst possible things. 

And they weren't wrong. 

He didn't deserve Thomas, 

he didn't deserve John. 

He didn't deserve happiness. 

They weren't wrong. 

He deserved to feel pain, 

he deserved bulimia.

As James sat there lost in his thoughts, his stomach growled loudly, interrupting his thoughts. He sat up and was about to get up and throw up when he heard a knock on the door. 

He got up slowly, the air from the fan sending shivers down his spine, and walked to the door. As he pulled the door open slightly, the winter air almost knocked him off his feet. 

"I'm sorry, John and Thomas aren't here," he responded, wondering why anyone would ever be there for him.

The man on the other side was sniffling, with red eyes and a runny nose, which immediately set James on edge. 

"Damn it, could I just talk to you then?" the man's voice trembled, and James swore he heard a sniffle. 

"I can do a message," James responded, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't want to sound rude, but he also didn't want to deal with anybody.

"Could you just tell John I'm sorry then? It's too much to say in one message," the man's words came out like a waterfall, fast and hard to keep up with. 

James let out a sigh, "It's fine, come in. It's cold out there. Talk to me," he said, opening the door before a look of disgust hit his face. 

Charles. fucking. Lee.

Yes, the school bully, was sniffling, with red eyes, runny nose, and all. 

"What are you doing here?" James looked him up and down, his hand gripping the doorknob.

 "You know what? I don't care. Explain yourself, then get out of my damn dorm," James spoke harshly.

James let him in, feeling a sense of unease as he watched Charles walk past him and sit on the couch. 

James went to the kitchen to make tea and grab some snacks, trying to calm his nerves.

As he sat down with Charles, handing him a cup of tea and a tube of ice cream, James noticed that Charles had bruises and marks on his legs. 

"What's your favorite kind of chips, Lee?" James asked, trying to make small talk. 

"I prefer marshmallows. Sorry, you don't have to get those. Ignore me," Charles put his feet on the couch, pulling them to his chest.

James was going to yell at Charles not to put his shoes on the couch when he realized something. 

He didn't have shoes. 

His feet were bruised with red and purple marks trailing up to his legs, a large scar on his ankle reaching his lower leg. 

James's eyes widened in shock and concern. "No... No... You're good. Just wait here," he stuttered out, 

Went back into the kitchen and grabbed marshmallows, opening them, and giving them to Charles—the feeling of plastic on his hands.

He ran to his bathroom, looking at the medicine cabinet before finding bandages. He walked back to the living room, grabbed Charles's leg, and propped it on his knee. 

"What are you doing?" Charles tried moving his leg, only for James to grab it back. 

"Let go of me, please," Charles's breath quickened. 

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. Just, this looks bad," James wrapped his bandage around Charles's foot. 

"It's fine. It's like, not that bad," Charles told James before wincing in pain while James finished wrapping his foot. 

"Here, if you just eat your marshmallows and your ice cream and watch TV with me, we will have no problems. Now, tell me what happened. What were you going to tell John?" James asked, sitting back on the couch with Charles. 

"It's nothing. I'm making a big thing out of a small thing. I just got into a fight," Charles got up, trying his best not to limp to the door. 

"Charles, come on, don't be like that," James got up, walking over to him. 

James tried to ignore the fear that was creeping up his spine, pulling Lee back to the couch

As they sat there, watching TV and eating, James felt a sense of unease. 

Something was off about Charles, and James couldn't quite put his finger on it. 

When John and Thomas walked in, James felt his heart skip a beat. Charles's eyes widened in fear, and he tried to hide behind James.

"John, shut up! You're going to wake up Jemmy!" Thomas spoke between giggles, pushing John

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just... I..." John busted out into more fits of laughter.

"John, somebody wants to talk to you," James spoke.

"Jemmy! I didn't know you were here! Hey, baby!" Thomas smiled at James, while James forced one. 

James motioned for Charles to talk to John, but Charles was too afraid. James could feel the tension in the room, and he knew that something was about to happen.

As John and Thomas started to laugh again, James felt his heart pounding. James spoke, trying to keep his voice steady. 

Charles looked like he was about to break down, and James tried to keep him calm.

"Please, James. I'll do it later. Just not now. He's going to laugh at me. Please."'

"Who is it?" John asked, letting out a yawn.

"If it's Alexander..."

James fidgeted with his hands, interrupting Thomas. "It's not. It's..."

"Please, James. I'm begging you. I'll do anything. Please," Charles pleaded.

James felt a knot in his throat. It felt hard to swallow, and his breath became shaky as he attempted to form words.

As James spoke, he could feel the fear and tension in the room. Something wasn't right, and James knew it. 

He tried to stay calm, but his heart was racing, and he felt like something terrible was about to happen.

"I... It's... It's Charles Lee," James spoke loudly, overcoming his hesitation.


Anygays, I'm back, hoped you gays missed me, and hope y'all had a good week while I was gone because I'm going to rain down on angst!! We have two new peps joining this family! SoxsTheLamsGremlin  Querenciaaa_!!™️

-Celeste out!™️

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