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TW: Kissing, Francis, crying, mentions of social anxiety, and just James being a girl boss.

Sunday: 12:34 A.M.

John woke up to a world that looked blurry and surreal through his swollen, red eyes. His cheeks were wet with tears that he had shed the night before, and a deep, heavy sigh escaped his lips. He turned to look at Francis, his partner, who was still sleeping peacefully after what he had done was beside him. 

John tried to steady his voice, "Fran, I'm going to go to work okay love?" he said, his voice shaky and raw with emotion. 

Francis opened his eyes and looked at John with a gentle smile, "Of course, love. See you later. I love you, Johnny," he responded softly.

John gathered his belongings, unbuckled his seat belt, and opened the car door. Francis's hand on his arm made him shiver.

 "You're not going to say I love you back?" Francis asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I love you, Fran," John mumbled softly before stepping outside. The cold air hit him like a wave, making him shiver violently. He wrapped his jacket tightly around himself and began walking to work.

John's mind was a jumble of confusing thoughts and emotions. He had been struggling with personal issues for days, and it was starting to affect his work. He walked into the building, his eyes downcast, hoping to go unnoticed.

As John approached the reception, Samuel looked up and noticed the tear stains on his face. John felt exposed and vulnerable, but Samuel just smiled kindly and greeted him."Trouble in paradise?" Samuel looked at him softly. John walked behind the counter, nodding his head slightly,

"Me, George, Lafayette, and Hercules are going to have a movie night in our dorms, You invited me, if you wanna talk, Alex might be there."

"You have four roommates? How have I never seen them when I'm in your room?" John said, looking at Samuel with disbelief. Samuel started ranting to John about their social lives, mentioning how Lafayette and Hercules were in their group, and Alexander occasionally hung out with them. John listened patiently, knowing how important it was for his friend to vent.

 Samuel stopped mid-sentence, and John could see the concern in his friend's eyes. "I'll be there," John said reassuringly, before turning to head towards the turtle tank and talking to Spot. As he watched the kids play and laugh, John felt a sense of emptiness and jealousy inside him. He couldn't help but feel envious of their freedom and carefree spirit, while he was stuck at with Francis. 

Tears streamed down his face, and he quickly wiped them away, reminding himself to keep it together in public. As John cleared the floor, Alexander appeared behind him, "John" Alexander said singing his name softly. John turned to face him "Do want to hang out with me while I work?" Alexander's eyes were pinkish-puffy, and John knew he had been crying too. They both put on fake smiles and started talking, but as they spoke, their smiles became real, and John felt a warmth spreading inside him.

John became self-aware of the people staring at the marks on his neck, and he quickly grabbed his jacket collar, covering his neck. He felt uncomfortable and judged, and he checked the time on his phone, grabbed Alexander's hand, and texted his boss with the other. "Where are we going?" Alexander asked, trying to keep up with John's walking pace.

"Do you mind if I drive your car?" John asked, "Francis had driven me to work and left, and I need to go back to his dorm to change." Alexander agreed, mentioning that Samuel was having a movie night at their dorm, and they were welcome to join.

They got into the car, and John couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable as he heard the doors lock. Alexander started driving, one hand on the wheel and the other on the radio, changing the song. John looked at his hands and felt cold, but when he looked at Alexander, he felt warm and comfortable. The cold air from the air conditioner passed through his hair, making it move softly. John reached over and grabbed Alexander's hand, placing it on the center console, "Don't change it, I like this song."

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