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TW: Mentions of not eating, abusive relationships, telling somebody to off themselves, basically just Francis, bulimia, crying, kissing, being in a closet, and a tad bit of fighting.

Tuesday: 5:34 A.M.

The spacious living room was decorated with tasteful furnishings, and the soft glow of the lamp cast a warm and inviting atmosphere. James sat comfortably on the plush couch, his attention fully focused on the game of chess before him. Outside, the weather was bitterly cold, and James was feeling unwell. 

He had been suffering from a persistent illness, well that's what he had chosen to tell his boyfriend, Thomas.

James knew that Thomas was his closest confidant, and they shared everything. However, the thought of revealing his bulimia thing to Thomas made him feel anxious. 

He couldn't bear the idea of explaining why he threw up so often to his boyfriend, so he decided to keep it a secret. But with each passing moment, James felt an increasing sense of guilt and unease.

As James emerged victorious in the game, he glanced at his phone and thought of Thomas. He remembered how they would always play against each other and how Thomas would often accuse him of cheating, even though James played fairly. The guilt James felt every time Thomas kissed him was almost unbearable. He longed to share his true feelings with his boyfriend, but he was too afraid of the consequences of revealing his secret.

John entered the room in a visibly disheveled state, with red, puffy eyes that suggested he had been crying for hours. James was engrossed in a video game when John sat down beside him, his head on James's lap, and began to cry softly. James gently ran his fingers through John's hair and asked him what was wrong. Though John's voice was muffled, James understood what he was saying.

"Francis is wrong!" John exclaimed, his voice slightly muffled.

"What did he do?" James asked calmly.

"He doesn't love me! I've known this since we started dating, but he's just the worst. I feel like he couldn't care less for me! I'm his stupid sex toy, that he plays with and when he's done he'll just tell me to go kill myself or tell me how everyone hates me and I would be better off dead" John cried, sniffling.

James listened quietly and let John vent his frustration. "You're the only person I've told this to, and I can't tell Thomas because he'd freak out and probably yell at Francis for treating me badly," John said, breathing heavily and putting his hands through his hair. 

"But the date we had today,  he- he banged my- my- head on the card- door, b- because I didn't silent -my-my phone. I haven't even eaten because he said I should lose weight," John wiped his eyes quickly, his breathing getting out of control.

"Hey, let's calm down, okay? It'll be alright," James said, reaching toward John, but John moved away. "Freaking out won't help you at all"  James stopped in his tracks, "Wait you haven't eaten?"

"I know, I know, but it's the only thing I can do. He's just a piece of work, and it's not like you can lecture me about eating James" John replied. shaking his head, his breathing slowed as brushed his hair, it was almost as if he didn't cry at all. He looked perfect, 

Why couldn't James look that perfect?

"If you want to go there, at least I eat my food," James said calmly, 

"Throwing you're food up and after you've eaten it does not count as eating." John shot back, it wasn't like they were fighting to say. They didn't mean it in a mean way, this was just their relationship.

Stop talking James, he's trying to open up and you're making it worse! James scolded himself silently.

Suddenly, Thomas stumbled into the room, rubbing his eyes. "Do you guys want some breakfast?" he asked sleepily.

-DISCONTINUED-ISH-Between the Lines, A Lams Fanfic-DISCONTINUED-ISH-Where stories live. Discover now