
96 5 279

TW: Cussing, and storms,

You saw the title you know what it's going to be,

Thursday: 10:54 PM

Alexander emerged from the tall glass doors of his apartment building, stepping out into the crisp evening air. 

The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, signaling the end of another day. 

A gentle breeze blew through the bustling college campus, causing his low ponytail to sway with the rhythm of the wind. 

The sound of birds tweeting, people chattering, and music playing in the distance filled his ears, creating a cacophony of noises. 

Despite the seemingly perfect weather and surroundings, Alexander couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. 

Alex had never felt this way about anyone before. 

Sure, he'd said sorry a few times in the past, but that was after John had already ripped his heart out and refused to let go. 

It was strange because he had dated people before, but those were just flings and one-night stands. He never cared about those people the way he cared about John.

With John, it was different. He had never cried for anyone the way he had cried for John today.

 Alexander Hamilton simply did not cry. He had only cried for a few people in his life, and one of them was Thomas Jefferson for some strange reason. 

But that didn't count. 

He had cried for Thomas's bad childhood, not for Thomas himself.

He walked with a sense of urgency, his heart pounding in his chest as he made his way toward John's dormitory. 

All he could think about was John and the fact that he wasn't answering his calls. 

He knew that he had messed up big time and that he needed to make things right.

As he walked towards John's dorm, Alexander couldn't help but feel nervous. He could feel the rough pavement beneath his feet, causing his soles to ache with every step. 

He could taste the faint hint of pollution in the air, making him wish he had worn a mask. But he pushed through, determined to make things right.

He approached John's door, labeled with the number 1782, and knocked on it gently. 

He could feel the hardwood beneath his knuckles, causing his knuckles to ache slightly. The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit hallway. 

The air inside was warm and stuffy, with the faint scent of cologne and freshly brewed coffee lingering in the air.

John opened the door, looking surprised to see Alexander. The hallway was dimly lit, and the air inside was warm and stuffy. 

Alexander could smell a faint scent of cologne, mixed with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. "Yes, how may I help you?" John asked, his tone guarded.

"We need to talk... can I come in?" Alexander asked, trying to keep his frustration in check.

John hesitated for a moment before nodding and stepping aside to let Alexander in. 

As Alexander walked in, he could feel the softness of the plush carpet beneath his feet, sinking in with every step. 

The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles casting a soft glow. The air was heavy with the scent of lavender and vanilla, creating a calming and peaceful atmosphere.

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