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Tuesday 2:12 A.M.

Crying, mention of medications, depressive episodes, kissing, boy x boy, and mentions of killing someone (As a Joke, they won't go out and kill someone) 

Shout out to @Court_joker Tysm for all of the support I'm making chapters a lot more than my sleep schedule wants b/c of you, check out their book: Lams (ONGOING) You rock <3

John's hand shook as he tried to insert the key into the lock. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach that he had left his spare key in the picnic basket he had lent to Alexander. He had urged Alex to keep it until they went on another picnic together. As he approached his dorm room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. He wondered if his friends Jefferson and Madison were asleep or up watching a movie. He ran a hand through his hair, which was now slightly disheveled, and decided to pay a visit to Alex's dorm room before heading back to his own.

As he reached Alex's room, he saw that the door was slightly ajar. He peeked inside and saw that Alex was fast asleep. He didn't want to wake him up, so he quietly left and made his way to his dorm. As he opened the door, he carefully shut it behind him and took a deep breath. It felt good to be back in his own space, away from the prying eyes of his friends.

However, his relief was short-lived as Jefferson immediately confronted him, his arms crossed over his chest. "Where have you been, John?" he asked, his tone stern.

John stumbled over his words, trying to explain that he had been on a picnic date with Alex. He didn't want to admit that he had lost track of time and stayed out too late. His heart raced as he felt the weight of his friends' scrutiny. "What time did you come back?" Jefferson asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Uh, around 2:30, I think?" John said, his voice trailing off.

"2:30? John, that's late," Madison chimed in from the couch, his eyes glancing over at John. John felt a knot form in his stomach. He knew that his friends cared about him, but he couldn't help feeling like a child who had been caught breaking curfew.

Jefferson softened his tone and put a hand on John's shoulder. "It's okay, John. Just be careful, okay? We worry about you." John nodded and let out a sigh. He was grateful for his friend's concern, but he couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness.

Meanwhile, Madison got up from the couch and clapped his hands together. "Alright, enough of that. Let's change the subject. John, go get changed and then come back out here. Tommy and I will make popcorn and drinks."

John nodded and made his way to his closet. As he rummaged through his clothes, he couldn't help but think about his picnic basket. He had given it to Alex, but now he realized that he needed it. It had plates and utensils, and he didn't want to go without it.

He quickly changed into a fresh outfit and went to the bathroom to comb his hair. As he looked in the mirror, he noticed that his hair was still damp and messy. He tried to put it up in a ponytail, but it didn't look as good as Jefferson's. He sighed and walked back into his bedroom, glancing over at his pet turtle. He wondered if Alex would like him too.

"You sure you like him?" Jefferson asked, his eyes softening.

"I'm sure. Did you take him on a walk?" John said, trying to steer the conversation away from his late-night outing.

"I did, John," Jefferson said, grinning. "He's a little slow, but he's cute." 

John chuckled weakly and shook his head. He was glad to have friends who could make him laugh, even when he was feeling down.

Jefferson slowly stood up from his bed, his heart heavy with sadness. He could see the pain etched into John's face and felt helpless, not knowing what to say or do to ease his friend's suffering. He pulled John into a tight embrace, hoping that it would offer some comfort. John's body crumpled into his arms, and Jefferson could feel his sobs wracking his body. He held him tightly, trying to soothe him with his touch, but it seemed like nothing could ease the pain that John was feeling.

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