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TW: Gay stuff, crying, and bad parenting. I added angst for the king I hope you enjoy it. It's supposed to be ten, chapter nine will be up soon and it's John's part of the story. see you all soon enjoy :D

Friday 3:54

The morning sunlight had not yet shone through the window as Samuel woke from his slumber. He attempted to get out of bed but found himself unable to do so as he felt the warmth of George's arms wrapped tightly around him. Despite feeling trapped, Samuel found comfort in George's embrace and enjoyed the familiar scent of his shampoo and cologne.

He gazed out the window and realized that he must have missed his meeting with his parents, he had these meetings once a week every Friday. He tried to turn over, but George's firm grip stopped him. After struggling to move his body, he finally managed to face the nightstand. Samuel stretched his arm to grab his phone but ended up causing it to fall to the ground with a loud thud.

 Frustrated, he reached for it only to brush his fingertips against the phone screen. He attempted to move again, but George's grip on his waist only tightened, making it difficult for him to budge. Samuel let out a sigh and muttered to himself, "For fudge sakes." 

George whispered jokingly into Samuel's ear, "Just cuss Sammy, your parents aren't here." Samuel was taken aback by the sudden comment, causing him to almost jump out of George's arms. However, George's grip on him only tightened once again as he said, "Dude, calm down. I'm right here. Let's just go back to sleep."

 George removed one of his hands from Samuel's waist and wrapped it around his chest, giving him a back hug. "I have a meeting soon, and do not 'dude' me while you're spooning me," Samuel said, irritated.

"How do you know what time it is, hm? You haven't been able to check the time," George teased. George got out of bed, looked at his phone, and looked back at Samuel, "It's only four a.m. I'll make you some food, and you can just relax, not worry about anything, okay?"

"Fine, okay, just make sure it's Lucky Charms, okay?" Samuel agreed.

"Anything for you," George said smiling before walking out of the room.

Samuel grabbed his phone and saw a text from his parents, texting him the entire Bible. He sighed and put his phone back on the nightstand before walking to the kitchen. 

George was making coffee, and Samuel's cereal was on the counter with green tea next to it. Samuel left, grabbing his food, George sat there watching him leave. He wanted to ask him to stay, but he didn't know why. George sighed and looked at his phone, texting his parents.

Frederick: Mother, I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me today.

Mother: Did you finish every assignment? Did you study for the test that's a month away already?

George sighed at this response, putting his phone down on the kitchen counter. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. His father would hate him for it. He sighed, his breath shaky. His father would hate him for crying. George calmed down and grabbed the phone back, his hands shaky. He almost dropped his phone when he tried to pick it up. "Three in, two out, or was it two in and three out?" George texted back, covering his mouth and trying to control his breath. "Just breathe! It's not that hard, George. Come on, be a man," George scolded himself.

Frederick: Yes ma'am, may we?

Mother: Will Samuel be there?

Frederick: No ma'am, I wanted to go out to eat. You can choose. Of course, going out to eat was just a suggestion.

Mother: Oh, maybe not then. Tell me when Samuel is available.

Frederick: Yes mother, I love you.

George looked at his phone, waiting for his mother to respond. All she did was leave him on read and silence her notifications. George felt tears forming in his eyes, and his breathing patterns quickened. "No, no, no, not now please," George said, almost begging. "Three in, two out, two in, three out," George said, trying to remember what Jefferson told him when George was freaking out over asking Samuel out. Jefferson admitted to having stage fright and hated to speak in front of people, so he told George what he did when he was having a panic attack

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