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TW: Cuss words, mention of ED, kissing, Francis (Him being a dick), cheating, mac & cheese, social anxiety, racism (I guess in a way? idk just to be safe), anxiety, medications, abusive relationship, crying, and boy x boy. 


4314 WORDS!!!!



Tuesday: 4:21 A.M.

As Thomas woke up slowly, he reached over to feel James beside him, only to find a cold spot where James used to be. He grabbed James's pillow and rolled himself over till he was lying on James's side of the bed. 

Thomas snuggled more to the warmth, frowning slightly when the smell of James started fading away. As the smell finally vanished, Thomas's head started pounding and he wondered where James had gone. 

The headache worsened as the door slammed across the dorm room, and distant sobs followed. Thomas wondered if John was crying. "What's wrong John?" James asked, his voice calm but concerned.

Thomas got up from the bed, listening to the door to hear the conversation. The cold door sent shivers down his spine, and the cold floor felt strong. Everything felt cold when James wasn't near Thomas. James was like the sun, and the warmth he provided was soothing.

"Francis is wrong!" John exclaimed, his voice shaky, on the verge of tears.

Thomas was surprised to hear John's voice. Why was John not talking to him? Weren't they friends? 

"He doesn't love me! I've known this since we started dating, but he's just the worst. I feel like he couldn't care less for me! I'm his stupid sex toy, that he plays with and when he's done he'll just tell me to go kill myself or tell me how everyone hates me and I would be better off dead" John cried.

Thomas wondered if he had done something wrong. Thomas smiled softly hearing James's voice. James somehow just calmed him down, no matter what. Even when he was freaking out over the smallest things, James was there. Just his smiling made Thomas happy.

James listened quietly and let John vent his frustration. "You're the only person I've told this to, and I can't tell Thomas because he'd freak out and probably yell at Francis for treating me badly," John said, his breathing heavy. It was something he always did when he was upset.

Thomas's heart sank at John's words. He wanted to help his friend, but he felt like he was failing John. Were they not as close as he thought? Thomas felt like he was losing his friends one by one.

"But the date we had today, he- he banged my- my- head on the card- door, b- because I didn't silent -my-my phone. I haven't even eaten because he said I should lose weight," John wiped his eyes quickly, his breathing getting out of control.

Thomas felt a lump form in his throat. He had always thought John trusted him, but now he felt like an outsider. He wished he could do something to help his friend, but he didn't know what to do.

"Hey, let's calm down, okay? It'll be alright, freaking out won't help you at all" James stopped in his tracks, "Wait you haven't eaten?"

"I know, I know, but it's the only thing I can do. He's just a piece of work, and it's not like you can lecture me about eating James" John replied. 

John's words hit Thomas hard. He felt like he was losing everyone he cared about. He felt helpless and alone.

"If you want to go there, at least I eat my food," James said calmly,

-DISCONTINUED-ISH-Between the Lines, A Lams Fanfic-DISCONTINUED-ISH-Where stories live. Discover now