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TW: Kissing, and a small mention of Francis, you guys earned this chapter :)

Alex's heart was pounding wildly as he stormed out of the room, his hair in disarray and his eyes brimming with tears. He had come dangerously close to falling into Francis's devious trap, almost allowing Francis to use him to cheat on his boyfriend. The thought made Alex shudder with revulsion as he raced down the hallway, his mind racing with worry.

He knew he had to talk to John, and fast. When he finally reached his dorm, he practically ripped his backpack apart in his frantic search for his phone. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he fumbled with the zippers, his heart racing with anxiety.

Finally, he found his phone and began typing at a feverish pace. His fingers moved so quickly, they practically flew over the keyboard as he poured out his heart to John. He hit send with a sense of urgency, waiting anxiously for a response.

"Hey, I have some free time right now. I was thinking we could hang out. Not in a weird way or anything, I need to see you. If you're busy, that's okay. I need someone to talk to." Alexander whispered to himself, his eyes fixed on the screen.

As he waited for a reply, he paced back and forth across the room, his mind racing with a million different thoughts. He couldn't bear the thought of losing John, not after everything they had been through together.

Finally, his phone buzzed with a response from John.  Alexander put the phone to his ear and waited for John's voice on the other line.

"So, you're only hanging out with me because you're bored?" It was clear John was teasing, his voice seemed light and playful.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for John's sense of humor he called, "Well, I mean...I just really want to see you." he stammered, his cheeks turning pink.

"Alright, let's do it. Where do you want to go?" John replied, his voice warm and reassuring. Alex felt a sense of calm wash over him. 

Alex suggested, "How about we go to the lake where we had first met?"

"See you there, Cher,"

"See you soon honing," Alex smiled softly as he hung up.

This was it, this was the day.

Alex's heart was pounding in his chest as they made their way to the lake. He couldn't wait to see John, to feel his reassuring presence by his side. When they finally arrived, they sat down by the water's edge and watched as the sun began to set.

 As they talked and laughed, Alex felt his worries begin to fade away. He was overwhelmed with gratitude for John, for the way he always knew how to make him feel better. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Alex knew in his heart that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with this man by his side.

They had been talking for a while, enjoying each other's company near the calm lake as the animals rested peacefully on John. Alexander, feeling comfortable, grabbed John's hand and rested his head on his shoulder, placing his legs on John's lap. It felt like a movie night, just like the one Francis had interrupted, but this time, there would be no interruption. This moment was theirs alone.

"John, I brought you here for something else, and normally I wouldn't do this because I wouldn't want to lose your friendship, but, something happened early today. And I realized I couldn't wait for it. If I throw away my shot and don't say anything, I might be throwing away my shot to be with you," Alexander said, his voice full of passion as he turned to face John.

John furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Tell me what, Alex?"

"I'm in love with you, and I know that you have a boyfriend, but I just, feel something when you are near me, it's like, my heart is made from metal and you are the magnet that I can't resist,"  Alexander replied, looking deep into John's eyes.

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