Chapter 1

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In the god-blessed Empire of Grace, there was once an ancient oracle that was passed down from generation to generation.

[When the world is overrun by a demon with dark powers, an otherworldly girl will appear and save everyone.]

However, for a thousand years, the world had enjoyed a peaceful existence, seemingly untouched by the oracle's prophecy. That is, until one fateful day when a sinister black magic surfaced within Reina, the esteemed daughter of Duke Rubellite.

At a tender age of eight, she found herself unable to control her burgeoning powers, inadvertently setting everything she touched ablaze.

"How could such a terrible demon come from our family!"

If news of the demon's awakening were to spread, the very existence of the Duke's family would be endangered. Driven by desperation, Duke Rubellite ordered Reina's seclusion, keeping her powers a closely guarded secret.

As the years went by, the Duchess, who had endured a decade of persecution from the Duke for giving birth to what he saw as a demon, passed away. Reina's presence faded into the shadows of oblivion.

However, the Duke's precious son, born to his second wife, began experiencing distressing nightmares, waking up in tears with visions haunting him.

"Mother, Father! I'm scared...! Heuk, I keep hearing voices...! There's a monster living in the basement...! They're coming to kill me...!"

The new Duchess assured her son that this was not the case, but she, too, had heard the inquiring voices. The two grew increasingly frustrated.

At this point, the Duke felt like he was about to spill his secret to the whole world.

He couldn't abandon Reina in this manner.

Though he wished he could erase her existence from the world, much like he had done with his former wife, she remained beyond his grasp.

The fear within him prevented him from approaching her, leading him to believe it was best to hide her away, out of sight and out of mind, ensuring she could no longer survive in their midst.

And so, in the gloom of dawn, when the sun had set and the moon veiled by clouds, a door that had remained firmly shut was opened, revealing a being that should have remained unseen.

Reina, unseen for a decade, bore little resemblance to a human form.

Thick black smoke emanated from her tightly restrained body, and her hair, faded by the overpowering magic within her, obscured her face.

'What the hell is that demon...!'

The servants let out muted screams, unable to contain their instinctive terror.

Following the Duke's instructions, they forcibly removed her from the room, though their innate fear couldn't be concealed.

"Place that repulsive thing in the carriage and get it out of my sight! What are you doing? Hurry up!"

he Duke, consumed by terror, bellowed at them, urging them to dispose of her swiftly.

Unlike in the basement, where darkness veiled their surroundings, the flickering candles exposed her to the eyes of all.

None of the servants dared to approach her, defying even their master's command. The saccharum smoke filled the dark dawn, intensifying the ominous atmosphere.

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