Chapter 28

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Why on earth is the High Priest here? The Duke's panicked thoughts ground to a halt.

The last encounter had been at the Imperial New Year's Festival, prior to her powers manifesting.

The High Priest had affectionately stroked young Reina's hair and bestowed a blessing for a future of greatness.

The Duke pondered the kind of words one would convey to a little girl, even if she was the eldest daughter of a duke.

Ironically, Reina did evolve into a "great" person. The Duke wondered about the significance of the High Priest's visit after such a trivial encounter.

Regaining his composure, the Duke hastily instructed his servants to bring the High Priest inside.

Within moments, the High Priest emerged, adorned in a pristine white uniform.

Accompanied by a lone paladin, he cast a narrowed gaze at the duke bowing deeply before him.

"A fine mansion, my lord. You have exquisite taste."

"Thank you for the compliment, High Priest."

Strangely, the High Priest appeared unchanged from ten years ago.

It wasn't the effect of time; he genuinely hadn't aged a day.

A benevolent, white-haired young man in his early twenties, his round blue eyes and curly blond hair exuded an air of vulnerability, yet this did not diminish his imposing presence.

For some reason, the gentle smile on his face emitted an unmistakable aura.

Still smiling, the High Priest settled into his seat and casually posed a question.

"Why are you still alive? You should have been dead according to the oracle."

"... Pardon?"

The cryptic utterance left the Duke baffled. Sipping his tea, the High Priest shifted his attention to the Duke.

"Where is she?"

"What do you mean, she...? I don't know what you mean..."

"I mean the Duke's eldest daughter."

The High Priest responded with a smile.

Caught off guard by the sudden mention of Reina, the Duke accidentally spilled his teacup.

A servant rushed to clean it up, but the Duke, in a fit of anger, bitingly dismissed him.

"That's okay, get out of here!"

The servant, perplexed by the tea-stained attire, left the parlor at the Duke's command.

Alone with the High Priest in the drawing room, the Duke hastily consumed the last of his black tea and then spoke in a shaky voice.

"Why, why, why do you... ask that?"

"She's supposed to be a great person by now, causing a stir in the world, but I haven't heard from her."

Retrieving a handkerchief from his bosom, the Duke wiped the sweat from his brow.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, as though he grasped its significance yet remained uncertain. He found himself at a loss for words, unsure of how to inquire or respond.

"Do you not recall where you left her when you were finished with her, or did she manage to slip away elsewhere?"


She was seemingly destined to exact revenge on the duke and dismantle the family as soon as she was abandoned.

The High Priest shook his head, as if finding it peculiar that an anticipated event hadn't unfolded.

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