Chapter 10

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As Reina had foretold, the flame vanished after approximately two hours. It had been affixed above the knight's forehead, trailing him as he moved.

'What in the world is this?'

Rostin gazed ceaselessly at the spot where the flame had vanished hours earlier, rhythmically tapping the table with his fingers.

A shadowy, black-glowing flame imbued with magic-never before had he encountered or witnessed anything akin to it, except when confronting the Demon King.

The more malevolent the magic aimed at harming others, the deeper the hue of the flame.

Yet, from the outset until this moment, he had never encountered magic of absolute darkness, utterly void of visibility.

'However, it seemed as though her intention was to aid others.'

How could he possibly rationalize this perplexing scenario?

Could it be that he had misperceived the situation?

Were all the soldiers who had accompanied him on the mission to exterminate demons also mistaken?

'It's inconceivable.'

Nevertheless, asserting the veracity of what he had seen was undeniable, as Lady Reina's eyes, which had expelled the demons, exuded a crystalline clarity that left no room for doubt.

Although her manner of speech tended to be brief and direct, there was no hint of the malevolent Demon King in her demeanor.

"What in the world is this about?"

"Um, are you addressing me...?"

The knight, who had been quietly seated in a corner of the office, responded to Rostin's murmured words.

"Sir, are you inquiring whether I should join the punitive force to pursue the scattered demons...?"

He was the same knight who, until recently, had the black flame above his head.

Even though the flame had vanished, he had kept it close by, just in case.

Rostin's gaze shifted to the clock. It had been three hours since the appearance and subsequent disappearance of the flame.

Unexpectedly, his complexion had regained its vigor, akin to a fully bloomed flower, courtesy of Reina's flame.

However, being alone with Rostin, whose expression was no more lively than decaying autumn leaves, for three hours had not been pleasant.

"I suppose so."

As his enthusiasm waned, the knight's countenance brightened.

He swiftly rose, as if poised to take flight, but Rostin interjected.

"The more forces we muster, the swifter we can eliminate the demons."

Uttering this, Rostin set his quill aside, indicating their intention to go together.

The knight's cheeks, which had been aglow with enthusiasm due to Reina, turned pale in an instant.

"Oh, there's really no necessity for that..."

"Should I join, matters would conclude even more swiftly. We shall expedite the demon eradication, and concurrently establish a contingent to oversee the activities of that lady we encountered earlier."

"Well, that does make sense..."

After all, there was no individual as formidable as the Archduke.

In truth, additional knights would be superfluous; Rostin was an unparalleled figure with remarkable might.

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