Chapter 65

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"The oracle has spoken. It says the Demon King is about to move again."

Aden frowned at the mention of an oracle descending.

The Saint, on the other hand, smiled broadly.

"Really?! So now I'm going to do something to enhance my reputation?!"

"...You think this is a good thing, Saint, that the oracle is sending this Demon King?"

When Aden pointed out her reaction, the Saint, realizing her mistake, hurriedly apologized.

"I-I apologize. I just thought I had a chance to play a significant role, so..."

"It's okay. You're right, the oracle has descended, which means we have a chance to stop the Demon King's evil deeds."

The High Priest wrapped her frivolity beautifully. The Saint beamed, as if he were the only one who understood.

"That's right, isn't it?!"

"Yes, but there is a small problem. The Demon King seems to have planned a large-scale attack out of caution towards the Saint, and the targets have been revealed in multiple locations."

The Saint opened her eyes wide.

The high priest continued, saying it was a very unfortunate incident.

"If we're lucky and they're close enough to be staggered, we might be able to stop them. But if they're far apart and start simultaneously... there will be casualties."

"How could that be...?"

The Saint clamped her mouth shut, her eyes trembling as she imagined the worst.

Aden, meanwhile, couldn't quite wrap his head around it.

'She's going to summon demons, and in large numbers, in many places?'

It wasn't that he trusted Reina, but she didn't seem like the type to go to such lengths. She hadn't shown much interest in anyone but herself.

Then, as if struck by an idea, the Saint asked urgently,

"Where does it say they'll show up? Maybe I should go and wait for them first!"

"I don't think that's going to help much. Once the demons appear, you'll just have to move to the locations quickly, but the problem is they all appear at the same time."

Back-to-back incidents in different places meant neither could be saved if they were too far apart.

"Plus, the locations are quite far apart this time. It starts near the southern center, then the north, and the west. It doesn't specify when."

Even though large moving stones could be used at will, if monsters appeared in the southern, northern, and western regions simultaneously, only the southern regions could be dealt with immediately.

They would have to defeat the southern demons first, as they were sure to appear first.

"But if we manage to defeat the demons quickly, won't something positive happen?"

Despite the High Priest's explanation of the challenges ahead, the Saint's hopeful spirit persisted.


Eventually, the exasperated High Priest reluctantly ended the conversation with a cautious affirmation.

Shortly thereafter, reports of demonic activity surfaced, originating from the south.

The Saint and the High Priest swiftly journeyed south to mitigate the damage, with Aden following closely behind.


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