Chapter 18

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Following Veronica's guidance, Chase commenced digging and planting the seedlings.

Initially unfamiliar with the task, he accidentally broke a few seedlings, but after half a day's effort, he learned to handle them with a delicate touch.

Meanwhile, Reina was occupied with making birdseed, taking charge of the cooking duties.

Feeling out of place planting seedlings amid her subordinates, she naturally gravitated towards another task.

Reina concocted a soup using thawed jerky, potatoes, carrots, and onions, seasoned with salt and pepper.

While it didn't match the taste of modern cuisine, it proved palatable. After a lengthy simmer, the resulting spiced meat soup was more than edible.

The butler and Veronica enjoyed their meal contentedly, recognizing that spiced meat soup was a luxury beyond the reach of commoners.

Chase's eyes widened in surprise as he took the first bite of the soup among the three of them.

"Is this... with spices and meat? Was this your daily fare...?!"

The aroma was delightful, but from a slight distance, he couldn't discern the contents.

Meat soup, with the addition of spices!

Regretting his unnecessary struggle with jerky, Chase didn't release the utensils in his hand.

'I wonder if the meals provided by the Duke are lacking.'

Observing the Duke as he ate, Veronica briefly harbored suspicions, but her attention was diverted as she remembered a letter in her pocket.

"Oh, by the way, the reply to your last letter arrived, but I forgot to give it."

The butler eagerly accepted the letter and began reading it hastily.

Reina observed him with a touch of wistfulness, anticipating news that might sadden him. Surely, the Duke, who had gone to great lengths to conceal his presence, wouldn't leave his family unattended.

Not wishing to witness any potential emotional distress, Reina was about to excuse herself, claiming fatigue. Startled, the butler jumped to his feet, momentarily forgetting the letter, and exclaimed,

"They're coming here?!"

"What are you talking about?"

Coming here? What did he mean? News about the butler's daughter and wife? Negative thoughts flashed through Reina's mind, fearing the worst.

Fortunately, the letter's contents were far from such concerns.

"L-Lady! My family wants to follow me to the north...!"

How should she handle this situation?

With funds available, should she arrange a residence in Iceberry Village for them?

Living comfortably in the mansion with the Lady, the butler lacked the means to accommodate his family.

"What on earth are you talking about?"

Frowning, Reina picked up the fallen letter and read aloud,

"...Due to certain circumstances, I considered discontinuing my studies in the capital and returning to Rubellite Duchy. It worked out well—I'll come to where you are... What? Your family was in the capital? Not Rubellite Duchy?"

Fortunately, the butler's family remained unharmed.

The letter's brevity left much to the imagination, but it likely pertained to the daughter's education.

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