Chapter 3

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Recalling the circumstances only fueled her anger once more.

From this point on, she was destined to exist as Reina Rubellite, but how was that any improvement over her previous life?

No, it was not an improvement at all. At least before, she wasn't despised and feared by the entire world.

'Why doesn't God listen to people? Shouldn't He be able to read minds or something?'

Her fury was directed towards God, acknowledging that her current resentment might lead her to the depths of hell.

But she couldn't help it; the situation was unbearable, and her curses fell on deaf ears.

Days turned into weeks, yet there was no sign of the divine presence.

Eventually, resignation eclipsed her anger.

There was only so much she could shout at the walls, and her immediate surroundings offered no solace.

The cramped, dark, sweltering cell reeked, and the tasteless, stale bread was the only sustenance.

But there was something far worse than the dismal conditions-it was the complete lack of control over the surging power within her.

Unpredictable tendrils of black smoke expanded and erupted, shattering walls and ceilings with thunderous vibrations, filling the space with swirling stone dust.

She was meant to be buried and vanquished upon receiving her new life, yet she couldn't wait idly for God to intervene.

While her curses originated from anger, they were, in essence, desperate pleas to God for action, an acknowledgment of reverence.

- Command it. The demon. To the darkness that surrounds you. To do your bidding.

A foreign voice echoed in her mind, distinct from the crystal-clear voice of God-a somber, genderless tone tinted with grayness.

But somehow, the voice allowed her to control her power a little.

Once she was able to control it, I could recall how Reina had used it.

'Don't stray from me.'

It was simple. Just as the voice had said, once she gave the command, it was over.

There must be no doubt, no wavering, no hesitation.

She had to command it with the conviction that it must follow her words.

It took her a while to tame the power.

It was funny and embarrassing to talk to an insubstantial smoke, but after about a month, she got pretty good at it.

As she busied herself with controlling her powers, it was time for the game to begin, time for Reina to be brought out into the world by the Duke, time for the world to be plunged into darkness by her rage, and time for the otherworldly girl to appear.

'-There will be no such thing, I'm leaving here now and living a life far from the game's story.'

There was no point in acting stupid and dying when she knew the future so clearly.

'That's why the coachman shouldn't have fainted from the start and been left stranded.'

She shook the coachman's body with as little force as she could muster, and thankfully it worked.

"Hey, mister. You okay?"

"Ugh, ugh..."

His brow furrowed in pain, he groaned low and slowly opened his eyes.

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