Chapter 13

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With Reina having effectively melted all the snow, the journey from the manor to the nearest village now took about half an hour on horseback.

Though it wasn't a great distance, the coachman contemplated Reina's lavish payment, leading him to speculate about the extent of her intentions.

'Given the sum she provided, she must want me to purchase an entire farm.'

By the time he reached the village, the coachman had entirely misconstrued Reina's instructions. The town he entered was called Iceberry, a small, tranquil village situated between the Duke of Wintersnow's castle and the Abyssal Manor.

It was so secluded from other settlements, surrounded only by snow-capped mountains, that there was little to see and even less to do.

No, in reality, there was virtually nothing at all.

There were no inns, no general stores, no weapon shops, no restaurants, and certainly no grocery stores.

In this desolation, a middle-aged woman, appearing to be in her forties, strolled into the village, searching for something. She turned to the apparent newcomer and inquired about his purpose.

"You're not a face I recognize. What brings you to our village? If you don't explain yourself properly, I won't let it slide."

As she spoke, she loosened her clenched fist and rolled her shoulders, preparing for any potential confrontation.

They said that in the Northern region, only demons and demon-like individuals existed, and it appeared to be the case indeed.

The woman standing before him exuded an air of authority. To avoid any potential offense, the coachman swallowed hard and replied cautiously.

"Ah, greetings. I am Correl, and I've been staying with Lady Reina at the Abyssal Mansion for the past few days. I wish to send a letter, but I'm uncertain about where to have it sent..."

"The Abyssal Mansion? Lady Reina? Could she be the daughter of Duchess Rubellite?"

"Yes, yes! That's correct!"

Typically, one might think of the Duke first, but the Duchess, having lived her life in the area, was at the forefront of the woman's thoughts.

Fortunately, the Duchess had maintained a good relationship with the northern villagers, and the woman's expression softened. She extended her hand.

"If that's the case, give it to me. We usually gather and send letters every Monday, and I'll make sure this one is included. By the way, where are you sending the letter? To Rubellite Duchy?"

If it was Monday, it would be two days away. The coachman responded, pleased with his timely arrival.

"No, it's a letter to the capital. My family resides in the capital, and I wanted to send them my regards."

"So, you've suddenly come here, huh? Well, this is the kind of place where that happens, especially with that mansion."

For some reason, there was a hint of bitterness in the woman's voice.

Without knowing the details, the coachman could only stand there, perplexed. Suppressing his curiosity, he retrieved the letter he had been carrying and handed it to her.

"Oh, and the princess is in search of a source for fresh vegetables and fruits, any recommendations on where to find them? I've scoured the area and can't seem to locate any-"

Before she could even finish her sentence, the woman, who had been about to snatch the letter from the coachman's hand, was jolted from her thoughts, her eyes widening.

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