Chapter 21

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This damn world. Why does it have to be like this to her?

From the very start, it has brought her misery, stripping away her home – what is she supposed to do in such circumstances?

At the very least, secure some basic necessities for survival. Why keep pushing her down the path of hardship?

After venting her frustration by tearing apart the paperwork scattered on the floor and letting out incomprehensible words, Reina drew the attention of those around her.

She shot a sharp look at Rostin as she sighed briefly.

"You couldn't have informed me a bit earlier?"

While she was busy organizing the mansion and constructing three greenhouses, what on earth was he doing until now?

"I apologize for that. I didn't anticipate someone would lay claim to this place, so the notification was delayed."

It made sense. Who, in their right mind, would willingly choose to settle in the coldest place on Earth?

Annoyingly, with Rostin providing a reasonable explanation along with his second apology, Reina could no longer place blame on him.

However, that didn't mean there was no solution.

In Reina's thoughts, the image of the golden statue of the absent Duke, with both hands and ears missing, crossed her mind.

There was still a considerable amount of the "body" left. If taxes were the issue, settling them would likely resolve the matter.

"How much do I owe?"

"How much does who owe?"

"The overdue taxes. I'll cover the entire amount, including the interest."

Grant her some leniency. Just moments ago, she was basking in her joy, believing that only a heroine could be as fortunate as she.

However, Rostin remained steadfast, shaking his head and rejecting Reina's offer.

"No, it's not as simple as settling the taxes now that ownership has changed hands."


Damn it! If the mansion is destined to be abandoned again, why is it so costly to reclaim?

"So, what's the figure? I'll repurchase the mansion. Just the head? The torso? Both?"

"...Head? Torso? What are you even saying? It's not going to work, and I have no intention of selling the mansion. Not even for a million."

"Why do you get to decide that? Go relay my proposal to your father."

Reina's mention of Rostin's late father, referencing the Duke, visibly unsettled him.

His discomfort was evident in his expression.

The same unease befell Reina, who had faced his rebuke.

Flames ignited in her hands. This predicament couldn't be resolved with words alone.

At the very least, that extravagant hair of his needed to feel the burn.

As Reina assumed a defensive stance, Rostin instinctively reached for the sword at his waist.


Silently observing from the corner, Luca suddenly soared up and settled on Reina's shoulder.

"Pii—! Piiik! Piiing!"

Then, it turned to face Rostin, seemingly on high alert. Or so it appeared.

"...Are you upset with me now?"

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