Chapter 39

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"... An angel?

Only an angel could possess such breathtaking beauty.

His gently curved blonde locks and eyes as round and captivating as his hair.

His skin, flawless and as pristine as porcelain, bore a purity rarely seen among mortals.

Though not towering in stature, his presence exuded undeniable reverence.

Any feelings of embarrassment or sorrow were swiftly dispelled upon encountering the High Priest.


The High Priest addressed the saint, who gazed at him with a blank expression. "Yes!" she exclaimed loudly, jolting upright from her seat.

"Are you well?"

"Ah......! Oh, I'm fine.....! Oh, I'm strong!"

Though traces of lingering sorrow lingered, she managed to respond with cheerful enthusiasm.

"I'm immensely relieved to hear that. I was concerned when you remained unconscious for ten thousand days."

She couldn't fathom being unconscious for such an extended period. Perhaps she had been involved in a serious accident, trapped in a coma.

Nevertheless, the relief of awakening washed over her. She resolved to embrace the situation to the fullest.

It was sad to die in the real world, but she didn't have any friends anyway, and she didn't get along with her family, so she might as well start over here.


In contrast to her lonely reality, the people here were quite friendly.

The way they looked at her, the way they spoke to her, the way they carried themselves.

The way they looked at her, the way they spoke to her, the way they carried themselves.

That's why she was able to shake off her sadness so quickly. She wanted to do whatever she could to make sure they didn't leave anymore.

She didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially the High Priest, who had a gentle expression on his face.

"Thank you for your concern...! But truly, I feel quite well-equipped to handle anything."

"I'm relieved to hear that, otherwise you'd have quite the burden on your shoulders."

Pleased with her resilient attitude despite her delicate appearance, the High Priest beckoned one of the priests standing nearby.

A slender, youthful-looking priest, no more than twenty years of age, hastened over and knelt before the saint.

"I entrust you with guiding her through the shrine. Should you have any inquiries, Father Edward here will assist you."

"Y-yes, you can count on me!"

Father Edward bowed reverently, his forehead touching the ground in a gesture of reverence.

Identifying with the earnest priest, who bore a resemblance to her former self in the real world, she couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship.

She nodded in silent acknowledgment, as if accepting the hand fate had dealt her, and the High Priest bid his farewells with a graceful bow.

Though they had barely exchanged a few words, as they bid each other adieu, the saint unconsciously found herself draping her arm around him.

"A-are you leaving already......?"

Instantly regretting her impulsive gesture, she withdrew her hand hastily and offered a flustered apology.

"I-I'm terribly sorry...! I-I mean, that was, um, uh..."

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