Chapter 72

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After dealing with the monsters around the Duke's castle, Reina and Rostin dispersed to handle the monsters summoned throughout the North.

Neither of them was likely to be harmed by facing monsters alone, so they moved independently.

Starting from the highest point in the north, they split up, with Reina heading west to south and Rostin going east to south.

The other knights moved in their own groups and formations. Some knights were tasked with guarding the Duke's castle in case the creatures reappeared in the area.

Chase and Kaelan were among them.

"Tch! I can defeat monsters by myself."

Kaelan grumbled as they patrolled the perimeter of the Duke's castle, frustrated by the lack of action.

But he was also relieved to be able to defend the manor family himself.

"Kaelan, you're strong, so stay here and protect everyone. Okay?"

Reina had said, her voice full of confidence.

"Ahem, ahem. I can't help it, she trusted me enough to say that."

Kaelan nodded in understanding, his resolve strengthening.

He vowed to kill any monster that caught his eye.

Despite the sudden appearance of the demons, the Northerners were fortunate to have made no early sacrifices and fought them off with ease.

Their efficient organization and Reina's flame, which kept them warm, played a crucial role.

Of course, it was Reina who killed the most demons. She cleared the western end in no time and then headed south.

'It seems like she used quite a bit of energy. Why isn't she tired?'

After leaving the Duke's castle, she focused on the demons she could see. As time went on, the repetitive task became tiresome, so she unleashed a large magic spell to annihilate all the demons in the vicinity.

She was prepared to get tired quickly because she continuously used magic on a massive scale, far exceeding the needs of a typical village.

But for some reason, Reina wasn't tired at all. No, there was no exhaustion whatsoever.

"What the hell is the limit of this body?"

After muttering this, her hands and feet trembled. She felt an unexpected surge of energy, akin to the power of a black flame dragon.

'I'm not tired even after pushing this far... Should I try pushing to the northern and western borders at once?'

The topography of the empire was quite neat. Thanks to the planned annexation of neighboring countries, it resembled a neatly fitting square.

The capital was at the center, encircled by the north, south, east, and west. Part of the northern boundary also bordered the west.

That was Reina's final destination.

Rostin could handle the northeast, so Reina decided to expend all her strength at this point.

"Okay. Instead of splitting it up and using it pointlessly, let's just push it all at once."

Afterward, she planned to return and rest. She had won all the prizes in the game, and she needed to hurry back to distribute them to the kids.

Reina's heart raced as she realized what she had to do next. She reached out in the direction she would use her power.

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