Chapter 30

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"Duke, what is that?"

The High Priest asked, rubbing his eyes as if he saw something he shouldn't have.

The Duke, who must have heard his question because he was holding his hand so tightly, narrowed his eyes and replied.

"....wheat? No, c-cauliflower?"

Or arugula and basil and other green leafy crops.

Why were they planted in the front yard of the Demon King's mansion, in the midst of the black flames?

The High Priest walked into the greenhouse, mesmerized. So did the Duke, who clasped hands.

The two of them touched each other to confirm that what they saw was real.

"... It's real. They are real crops."

The Duke and the High Priest looked around the greenhouse, puzzled by what they were seeing, and wondered if they had come to the wrong place.

No, they had come to the right place, judging by the black flames everywhere.

The more they looked, the more they wondered. The High Priest and the Duke looked around the greenhouse, puzzled by what they were seeing.

Bang. The sound of a heavy door opening from the main part of the mansion, and a voice was heard.

"Wow, what a wonderful dinner, I never thought I'd taste such great food in the north!"

"She may be my daughter, but she can really make a meal."

"Ahem, ahem. If you have any ingredients you need, just let me know. The princess has left the crops to me, so I'll get whatever I can and plant them. Spices are also available."

"Crops and spices are fine, but I need fresh meat. You can have a bunch of it, but there's nothing like something fresh."

"Hmmm, fresh meat... It will be difficult, but I will try."

"Really? I was just about to slice a steak. I've been watching and wondering."

Amidst several voices, the final one belonged to Reina, the woman the High Priest had been seeking.

Recognizing her voice, the Duke shuddered involuntarily.

Led out of the greenhouse by the High Priest, he wiped cold sweat from his brow, observing Reina bid farewell to Veronica and Chase as they departed the manor.

His gaze then fell upon a middle-aged man. A moment of bewilderment later, the Duke realized he was the coachman who had driven Reina to the north.

"... What in the world? Why is he alive? I distinctly recall him assuring everything was taken care of."

It was an undeniable truth.

The butler had failed to complete the task and had falsely reported otherwise. The line between accomplished and pending actions was now blurred.

The Duke shuddered with a sense of betrayal, vowing that his family and relatives would not be exempt from consequences.

While he raged at the unexpected truth, Veronica and Chase left the manor.

After saying goodbye, Reina and the others were about to enter the mansion to rest.

Suddenly, Reina pivoted her head toward the entrance of the greenhouse, casting a flame precisely at the spot where the High Priest and the Duke stood.



"Ugh, ouch!"

Reacting swiftly, the High Priest stepped back, using the Duke as an unwitting shield.

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