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𝗦𝗨𝗡. 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗘 𝟮𝟭𝘀𝘁,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

Loud chatter, high-pitched baby cries, and excessive phone ringing filled Tamsyn ears as the metal doors of the elevator separated, allowing her and her nurse into the waiting room of the emergency room area. 

Tamsyn tightly gripped onto her belongings, scanning the waiting area as her nurse wheeled her across the room. The busyness in the room and the multiple glares she received, quickly stimulated her, attacking her self consciousness about her new reality of her life.

Her nurse quickly but carefully rolled her through the double doors of the emergency room, out into the bright summer day. Tamsyn looked around the partially empty drop off area, feeling nothing but sadness "Is this your van right here?" Her nurse asked, looking to the right of where they stood, at the handicapped transport vehicle parked not too far from the door.

Tamsyn glanced over to her right seeing the van and nodded, recognizing the name the operator told her over the phone about her pick up process "Yeah. That's me." She mumbled.

Her nurse turned her wheelchair and wheeled her towards the van smiling "Oh cheer up girly. It's nothing to be sad about. This is only temporary for you."

Tamsyn rolled her tears filled eyes, making them roll down her cheeks "Oh please. I got every right to be and feel sad right now."

Her nurse slowed and came to a stop when they were in front of the van doors. The driver of the van saw them approaching in his rear view mirrors and quickly exited the van to meet and greet them at the doors "Hello. Are you Tamsyn?"

Tamsyn nodded wiping the few tears that fell from her eyes lowly responding "Yeah."

"Hi. How are you this afternoon?" Her nurse spoke to the man as he opened the doors and began to reel down the ramp.

"I'm doing well, how about you two?"

"I'm doing fine. My buddy here on the other hand is a little upset so please don't take offense to her disconnection. She's going through a lot and processing all that's happening to her right now."

The man just replied with a simple head nod. Tamsyn sniffed as her emotions began rising. She was very overwhelmed about everything that was going on "Hey? Why are you crying girly?" He nurse walked around the wheelchair to face her "There's nothing to be sad about."

Tamsyn sniffed again, wiping more tears that ran down her cheeks "That's easy for you to say. You're walking away from here. I'm not."

Her nurse gave her a sympathetic look before embracing her in a hug "It's okay Tamsyn. This is not the end of the world. This is simply a unexpected, temporary change. This isn't permanent at all girly and you know this. Don't let what you're fighting through physically, become a mental fight because everything about this situation is all about mentality beautiful. You're stronger than you can see right now. You get to leave here today with more sweetie. Most people who ended up in your situation, didn't get to make it this far. You're a fighter Tamsyn. If you do what you have to do in order to get back to your old self again, this will be over quicker than you let your mind makes you think. You will be fine and you will see the bright side of things after this situation. Please don't beat yourself up about anything because this isn't your fault and this won't last long." She gave her an encouraging speech.

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