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𝗧𝗨𝗘. 𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟭𝟮𝘁𝗵,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

Tamsyn woke up a little while ago, to the sound of loud yelling and screaming. She got out of bed and tried to ignore the noise by going to do her morning routine but her neighbors were super loud, putting her in a bad mood this morning. She hated disruptions, especially off the wake up.

She took her time to wake herself up and prepare for another boring day. Being handicapped was really doing a number on her mind. She couldn't do most of the things she normally did when she wasn't disabled and it was bothering her badly.

It was a mental fight everyday for her to remain positive about the situation but she couldn't help but to feel the sadness of the reality. She image and wish everyday that everything could go back to normal. She missed her old life. This new one wasn't the life she wished to live right now. Sometimes she wished she died instead of being blessed with this obstacle. She couldn't suffer if she was dead.

She was in the bathroom washing her face and brushing her teeth. Since her mirror was high up on the wall, she had to use a hand held mirror to look at herself as she did her hygiene routine.

She was just finishing washing her face. She soon turned the water off then turned and rolled herself out of the bathroom. She heading down the narrow hall, into the kitchen, feeling even more down from the darkness of the room. She rolled over to the window, pulling the blackout curtains back, seeing the gloomy skies and frown.

She wasn't going to be feeling any bright energy today. The weather had already set today's mood. She raised the blinds, allowing the little light to come through. She turned and rolled over to the refrigerator, pulling it open. She scanned the items inside, debating on what to eat.

After a few moments of debating, she decided to grab the box of cream and cheese toaster strudels. She also grabbed a bottle of water then rolled back and closed the door.

She rolled over to the counter and plugged in the toaster then pulled two toaster strudels out of the pack. She was just pushing them into the toaster when a booming knock fell on her door, startling her a little.

Her head snapped into the direction of the door as she sat the box of toaster strudels and water bottle on the counter. She slowly rolled back, turned, and began to roll towards the kitchen entryway. She jumped again when the knocking happened for a second time.

Who the hell was this? Tamsyn thought, wheeling herself through her living room to the door.

Once reached, she unlocked the locks on her door and slowly pulled it open, peeking at the man standing in front of her door with a vest that reads POLICE "Hello, how you doing? I'm sorry to bother but can you please gather your parents and who ever else inside the home and evacuate immediately while we investigate a gas leak that caused an explosion in a complex close by?"

Tamsyn furrowed her eyebrows as she rolled back, opening the door wider. The man facial expression changed a little when he saw her full face and the wheelchair "Oh I apologize ma'am. I di—"

"It's fine. What explosion are you talking about?" Tamsyn rolled across the threshold, looking around him at her neighbors all exiting the complex.

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