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𝗦𝗔𝗧. 𝗔𝗨𝗚𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝟭𝘀𝘁,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

Tamsyn steered her mobility scooter Tee invested for her, with Daisy in tow, down the carpeted hallway. She just woken up from her morning nap. She woke up early morning to feed and let Daisy out then got back into bed with Tee and fell back asleep. Tee was still knocked out sleep after coming in late for whatever reason Tamsyn didn't bother to ask.

As long as he came home and wasn't seeing other girls while he was away from her, she didn't care what he did actually. It was the afternoon, later than she normally woken up. Tee had a cookout to attend for his sister later on and his phone had been blowing up from calls and text messages from his family and friends all morning.

She would've woken him up to respond to them but she learned her lesson after the first time she woken him up. So she simply just let him rest. He probably was gonna be mad at himself for sleeping in so late on an important day, but that was on him to deal with. Not her.

Tamsyn steered the scooter into the kitchen, listening to Daisy's paws following behind her. She stopped the scooter in front of the refrigerator, pulling the doors open. She grabbed the pack of pork sausage, the carton of eggs, cheese, and milk and sat it in her mini basket on the front of the scooter "You want a snack girly?" She looked at Daisy sitting beside her, waiting patiently.

Daisy's head lowered then raised back up.  Tamsyn always took the movement as her nodding her head yes. She smiled at Daisy while reaching into the refrigerator and pulled out the plate of homemade strawberry peanut butter dog treats her and Tee made for her and some whip cream specifically for dogs.

She moved back from the refrigerator and closed the door. She steered over to the counter and grabbed Daisy's dog plate from the dish rack Tee had specifically for Daisy's dishes. First she unloaded the basket, placing the breakfast onto the counter.

Then she grabbed the pink placemats and opened the dog treats and placed five on the mat. Afterwards, she took the whip cream and shook it up first then placed a good amount on three out of five of the treats. She added a little bit on the placemat just because. Daisy waited patiently by her dog bowls for the treats.

Tamsyn placed the treats and whip cream back into her basket then grabbed the placemat and strolled over to Daisy, sitting the placemat on the little table-like stand Tee done built then she rolled back and said "Get it girl."

Daisy quickly got up and devoured the treats within seconds. Tamsyn chuckled as she turned and headed back over to the refrigerator and put the treats and whip cream back. She headed over to the pantry and opened it reaching inside to grab the bag of pancake mix from the lower shelf.

Tamsyn appreciated how considerate Tee was of her. Just from the way he removed everything that was too high up for her to grab from her chair, to the counters and lowered the shelves in his pantry, she loved it. It was the little shit like this that strengthened her interest in him and make her consider him the one.

She placed the pancake mix into the basket then backed up and closed the pantry door "ALEXA?! Play Tams R&B playlist!" She yelled as she headed over to the counter.

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