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𝗙𝗥𝗜. 𝗔𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗟 𝟯𝟬𝗧𝗛,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮


How was the funeral? Why didn't you wake me up 🤬?! I wanted to go too!

It was smooth & you was sleeping peacefully I didn't want to wake you

You woke up that bad ass tho

Bad ass woke me up😂😂 I damn near missed that mf

You okay? You feeling better?

Yes I'm fine

🥺 can you bring me back some candy and snacks tho? I want sweets

You just woke up and want sweets why you don't want no regular food?

Because I don't have a taste for regular food I want sweets!

Okay baby I'll stop by the store and getchu some sweets

Thank you baby ☺️ bring me a Pepsi too

"Tamsyn pregnant." Avantee looked up from his phone and said to his friends.

Tisza paused on rolling the blunt while Scuba slowly looked away from his phone. Max just stared at him and Saks started nodding "Shit, she outta be." Vin scoffed and said.

"Honestly. All that fucking y'all be doing." Saks agreed.

"Why would you start having kids early nigga? Guide damn! Now our kids ain't gone be friends cause yours gone be grown by time I have my first one!" Tisza rolled his eyes.

Scuba shook his head "He always makes a rule just to turn around and break the motherfucker."

"Always." Max and Saks agreed.

Avantee locked his phone, frowning "Man it ain't my fault she got good pussy. The fuck? Take that up with her."

"As much good pussy niggas done fucked, you ain't never slipped up and got their asses pregnant." Tisza said.

"Exactly. What the fuck happened to condoms?" Scuba asked.

Avantee jerked his head back "Slipped up? Nigga I got her pregnant on purpose. She won't never leave me now. We got kids."

They started sucking their teeth "Awww shit." Saks dramatically dragged.

"Here he go y'all." Max tossed his arms up.

Tisza stared at him with a blank expression "You did what?"

Scuba shook his head "As much as you got her wrapped around your fingers, I don't think she was ever gonna leave your ass."

"I never know with her moody ass." Avantee shrugged "She just tried to leave me the other day cause I didn't tell the lady at the Starbucks that we were married and Mir and Ya were our kids." He scrunched his face up "Like what? Why would the lady at Starbucks give a fuck if we were married with two kids or not? She just makes coffee, what the fuck?"

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