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𝗧𝗛𝗨𝗥. 𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟭𝘀𝘁,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

Avantee woke to the feeling of being roughly shaken and his Cane Corso, pit mixed dog barking unduly, which caused him to sit up quickly and go into defense mode. He lived alone with the dog and the dog didn't bark unless someone she didn't know was inside the house.

Avantee mind instantly went to an intruder in his home. When he jumped out of his sleep, he saw a figure standing over him and quickly drew the Glock .45 and aimed wrapping his finger around the trigger about to pull it but the recognizable voice, stopped him any further "TEE! It's me, MAX! Nigga don't shoot me! What the fuck?!" Max yelled, holding his hands out in defense.

Avantee lowered the gun, staring at Max until his vision became clearer, as his increased heart pulse began to ease down. He sucked his teeth, tossing the gun beside him on the bed and pulled the covers from over his legs mugging Max "Man don't be doing that shit dawg. You almost died just now."

Max stared at him like he was crazy with his arms still out "Nigga! I ain't know you was gonna do allat! I wouldn't've agreed to come wake your ass up when you told me!" Max snapped.

Avantee swung his legs over the edge of the bed, grounding his feet on the plush carpet. He bent over and rested his elbows on his knees, rubbing his hands down his face "Man shit. My bad dawg. I ain't mean to do that. A nigga was having a fucked up dream just now."

"Like I give a damn!" Max went off as he took a seat on the bed next to him "What the fuck you gotta do this early that you had me come over here to wake you up for anyways?"

Avantee took a moment to register his thoughts before responding "I gotta go meet this nigga Loki at 12 to give him these vet documents for the puppies I sold him. I misplaced them when I first got em' and just now coming across them and he need them for his apartment complex and shit." He wiped the crust from his eyes as he explained.

Max nodded "Oh aight. How many did you sell him?"

"Two. Boy and girl." Avantee yawned as he stood and stretched "He might buy the other two if shit goes smooth with his rental people's and shit."

"How much you want for them? I been thinking about getting me and my lil brother some dogs and shit."

"5 a dog. But I'll sell em to you for 3 if you buy both of em'. They healthy and just got they shots and shit not too long ago." 

Max nodded "That's a bet. What they bred with?"

"A Siberian husky and Cane Corso pit. They pretty as a bitch."

Max stood, hiking his jeans up "Where they at?"

"In Daisy room. Let em' out and feed them and Daisy then let em out to use the bathroom for me." Avantee told him as he made his way across the room to his bathroom. 

"Bet." Max responds and head out the room.

Avantee squinted his eyes to block out the sunlight as he made his way inside the bathroom. He headed over to the toilet and began to relieve himself. After peeing, he flushed the toilet then turned and washed his hands. He then washed his face and brushed his teeth then headed back into his room hearing Max yelling "DAISY DON'T BITE ME! I'M YO UNCLE!"

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