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𝗧𝗨𝗘. 𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟭𝟮𝘁𝗵,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

"Wow. Y'all live in some nice ass houses. Y'all really gate keeping the bag and I find that crazy as hell." Tams looked around his front yard in awe, Avantee pushing her up his walkway.

Avantee chuckled, pulling his house key out and handed it to her "Even if niggas tell you how they make money, you couldn't do it."

Tams turned and pouted a little "And that's why it's not fair."

Avantee chuckled again "I mean, You balling too. I saw that bank account earlier homegirl. You got more money than me big money."

Tams scoffed, unlocking the door and pushing it open "That money came from my Dad's life insurance policy. That's emergency funds right there. You the real big money."

Avantee pushed her inside the house, looking around for Daisy, not seeing or hearing her "That's still some big money. Emergency funds or not."

Tams looked around his front room, nodding in approval of his decor "Okay now this is really nice. This what I need to live in rig—" She stopped talking when she saw Daisy head pop out of her room and start growling "Oh my god. She's big as fuckkk." She dragged.

Avantee pushed her over to the couch, sitting the dog bed and the bag filled with her new toys and treats down on the couch "I told you. Gimme your shoe."

Tams grew confused at first but she still slipped her shoe off and handed it to him, watching Daisy inching closer into the living room, growling louder at her "I swear if your dog attacks me—"He cut her short.

"Come here girl!" Avantee demanded, walking over to her holding the shoe out in front of him.

Daisy walked over to him, still growling at Tams. Avantee started patting her, holding Tams shoe up to her nose "Stand down girl. She our guest. Smell her scent."

Daisy excitedly jumped all over him, sniffing him and the shoe excessively. Tams watched, hands on her wheels ready to run in case Daisy was to run over and try to attack her "Good girl. Come here." He started walking near Tams.

"Tee." Tams said in a warning tone, slowly moving her chair back "Don't bring that big bitch over here."

"Don't be insulting my baby like that. She ain't gone hurt you. She smelled your scent on me." He walked over and stood beside her.

Tams kept moving back the closer Daisy got to her "Avantee."

Avantee started smiling, sitting Tams shoe down in front of the couch. He grabbed her chair and stopped her from moving back any further. Daisy started sniffing Tams, making her squeal and close her eyes tightly "Teeeee. I'm scared. Oh my goddd." She dragged, heart pounding outside of her chest.

Avantee continued to smile at her, watching Daisy sniff all over her "Relax before you scare her."

Tams eyes flew open and she looked up at Avantee with a craze look "Scare her? Her big ass scaring me!" She exclaimed, leaning back when Daisy jumped on her, sniffing at her face "Oh my god."

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