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𝗧𝗛𝗨𝗥. 𝗔𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗟 𝟭𝟱𝘁𝗵,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮

"I want to learn how to do my makeup." Tams looked away from her phone and said to Avantee.

Avantee looked away from watching Yasiel sleep in his arms, to her with furrowed eyebrows "Why? You beautiful without it."

Tams smiled at him "Because I want to go through a makeup era of my life. At least learn how to do it in case my baby grows up and becomes a makeup girly. I can teach her how to do it herself." She shrugged.

Avantee just stared at her with admiration. Tamsyn stared back at him with a blank expression "Why you just staring at me? Are you gonna support me or what?"

He continued to stare at her for a while longer before scrunching his face up "Who is you talking to?"

"You." She rolled her neck at him "You're supporting? Yes or no?"

"No." He looked her up and down "Cause I don't know who you talk to."

"I'm talking to my man." She rolled her neck at him "Now get up because we're going to Sephora."

His face scrunched up "Who is we? I'm not walking around a makeup store for a hour."

Tamsyn got up, locking her phone "You gone do whatever I said you gone do. Now getcho high ass up! You just sitting here finna go to sleep. Do something productive!"

Avantee yawned as he got comfortable in the chair "I'm tired beautiful. Just let me and my boy sleep."

"Y'all can sleep in the car. Come on stink for real. I don't want to go alone." She pouted.

"Take Mir with you." He groaned. It was raining heavy and it was cold out. He didn't want to go nowhere but to sleep.

"I am taking her. She's getting ready to come over here. Teetee babyyy." She whined and stomped in place "You don't even have to drive. Just ride with us."

Avantee sucked his teeth and sat up, clutching onto Yasiel as he got up "You so annoying bro."

Tamsyn smiled as she turned and headed down the hallway "He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me, he loves me not." She repeated as she skipped off.

"She so annoying." He muttered under his breath as he headed in Yasiel room.

He walked over to his dresser and pulled out an outfit and got him dressed down. He headed out Ya's room to the front door when he heard the doorbell. He walked over to the door and opened it, looking at Tamira "Wassup lil homie?"

Tamira smiled and waved "Hi Tee. Is Tammy here?"

He nodded as he stopped Daisy from jumping on her "Yeah she in here. Down girl." He pushed Daisy back from the door.

Tamira stepped inside the house and reached out to pet Daisy "Hi big girl."

Avantee closed and locked the door, letting Daisy go "Stay down girl."

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