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𝗪𝗘𝗗. 𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟭𝟯𝘁𝗵,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

Tamsyn woke to the feeling of Daisy getting up from the couch beside her. She looked around the dark living room,sighing as her reality sunk in. She realized she was still at Tee's house and smiled at the thought of being liked enough to be invited to his house with welcoming arms.

The way Tisza bragged on Tee last night, made her feel special. She was special enough to him to be invite over with no second thought versus the people already in his life? Just off that observation alone, she could tell Tee was feeling her just as much as she was feeling him.

She grabbed her phone from the cup holder and checked the time reading 10 minutes til 8. She had to get up and start getting ready for her appointment. She sat up, looking over at Tee, seeing him knocked out sleep. He slept quieter than most men and looked so peaceful. It was a sight Tamsyn liked a lot and wanted to see more often.

She reached over and tapped him twice, shaking his arm a little"Tee? Tee ge—" Tee cut her off by jumping up out of his sleep and grabbed her up, snatching her to him, mugging her.

Tamsyn looked at him like he was crazy. He scared the shit out of her and her facial expression showed. Tee continued to stare at her with the mug look until reality came crashing in and he noticed the look on her face.

He quickly softened his face, letting her go. He laid back, closing his eyes, sighing "I'm sorry beautiful." He apologized, voice hoarse.

Tamsyn continued to stare at him with the same crazed look "Are you okay? Cause what the fuck was that?"

"I'm good. Just a bad dream and you scared me out of it." He rubbed his hands down his face harshly.

Tamsyn frowned at him a little. She didn't know what the hell he had going on but she didn't have time to figure out either "Okay whatever with that. Uhm.. I have to go home to shower. I have a shower chair at home."

Tee got comfortable again and pulled the blanket further up on his body "It's a shower chair in the bathroom closet in my room." He grumbled.

He's really adamant about not taking me home. Tamsyn stared at him with a blank expression. She sat and waited for him to move for five whole minutes. He randomly jumped out of his sleep and snatched up his phone from the cup holder checking the time.

After checking the time, he unlocked his phone, strolling through his notifications. He strolled on his phone for three minutes before he looked up and noticed her staring at him "What?"

"I have to pee." She said in a flat tone.

"So say that instead of just staring." He pushed the leg rest in then got up, tossing the covers off of him.

"Ian wanna say nothing. Might would've got grabbed up again." She sarcastically said, making him suck his teeth.

"I said I was sorry for that." He pushed her foot rest down then pulled the covers off of her with a frown.

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