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TODAY 11:27 AM

yeah so we gone have to reschedule that meeting til tomorrow or some .. some shit just came up

Im spending the day with my mother tomorrow... then ima be in Florida til Mardi Gras today my only free day until I get back next month

🤔why you going to Florida

Nvm that ain't my business uhm give me a minute to handle some shit and i'ma hit you to meet you


"Uhm hi dad. So Yasiel and another little man were playing with the blocks earlier and they got to fussing over the blocks which ended with Yasiel knocking little man upside the head with the block then repeatedly hitting him with it until he bled from a gash he received from the attack." Avantee slowly looked from the daycare worker to Yasiel, which who slept peacefully in his stroller beside them. 

"I received an update from little man's mother a little while ago and she said that he's in the process of getting a couple of stitches. She asked for your number to call but due to our conditions here with children and parent protection, I didn't give it to her—But however, she did leave her number for you to get in contact with her." She pulled a sticky note from a file and handed it to him "Due to Yasiel's violent behavior—"

"He can't come back?" Avantee finished her sentence while reading the number on the sticky note. He looked up at the woman and saw how uncomfortable she grew.

She slowly nodded "Yeah. We don't want to become liability to anymore children being hurt by his violent behavior. He's not a bad baby at all, he just likes to result into violence when he doesn't get his way, which is not a good thing. I don't know what is going on at home, but—"

Not wanting to hear any more, Avantee grabbed Yasiel's stroller and pulled him in front of him and began to head towards the door "Preciate' you." He told her.

He left the woman stunned as he exited out of the daycare center. He sighed heavily glancing down at Yasiel still sound asleep "Dude how the fuck you bust somebody in the head with a block?" He mumbled as he headed over to Scuba's dark gray and black striped 2022 Dodge Demon.

He opened the door, getting in the car then took Yasiel out of the stroller and folded his stroller up and put it in the back seat then closed the door "What the hell he done did now?" Scuba asked, looking at Yasiel sleeping peacefully in his father's arm.

Avantee shook his head fixing Yasiel's Shark bape Emblem Denim Jacket as he adjusted him in his arms "He busted some lil nigga in his shit now the lil nigga at the hospital getting stitches and they put his ass out of there."

Scuba looked at Yasiel crazy "What? That lil nigga is violent dawg. He always hitting somebody with a toy or some."

Avantee shook his head as he pulled his phone out of his pocket "Them pops don't be doing no justice. He needs his ass tore up." He looked at the sticky note and started to dial out the number on the piece of paper.

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