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𝗦𝗨𝗡. 𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟰𝘁𝗵,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

Tamsyn rolled out of her apartment, looking down the stairs as she pulled her front door closed behind her. She woke up from her daily nap and decided to cook herself dinner for the first time since she's been out of the hospital. She been door dashing for the last couple of weeks and was getting sick of the fast food and spending the extra money.

She was also avoiding having to struggle up and down the stairs with her chair, but today she decided to just get it over and done with. Mr. Tim and her nurse, Beatrix, has both been by to check up on her in the last few weeks and helped her out around her house with making it more wheelchair friendly. Mr. Tim even got one of his older sons to install the electrical gears in her car and taught her how to drive with them.

Tamsyn was always a stubborn girl so she didn't want to call any of the two today to help her go grocery shopping. She felt like a burden because she was so hyper independent after her father got sick. She knew she couldn't sit and rely on him any longer because his sickness was spreading so quickly. By time her father passed, she was already out in the world making it happen for herself.

She locked her front door then placed her lanyard into her jacket pocket. She then proceeded over to the stairs and locked her wheels then started to slide out of her chair. She placed her legs on the steps then slid onto the top one.

She turned and folded her chair up then pulled it to the edge of the stairs and pushed it down, listening to the loud noise it radiated through the empty hallway. She watched the chair land on the first landing before she started to scoot down the stairs as quickly as she could.

Once she got to the first landing, she dragged herself to her chair and grabbed it then started to drag it with her to the second set of stairs. She repeated what she did on the first landing and pushed the wheelchair down the stairs again, cringing at the loud noise it made as it went flying down the stairs.

She looked up when she heard one of her neighbors door swing open upstairs follow by a "What the fuck going on out here?"  "Ion see nobody out here. That's probably them bad ass kids playing on niggas doors and running again." "Nah, it sounded like some shit was exploding out this bitch."

She fixed her legs and began to scoot down the stairs ignoring the multiple voices she heard above her. She was down two stairs when she heard a familiar voice call her "Tams? What you doing beautiful?"

Her heart fluttered as she looked up and saw Tee coming down the stairs with the guy she saw him with the other week when he helped her down the hill, and four other men "Trying to get downstairs." She said innocently as she propped her legs up to slide down the third step.

Tee handed his drink to his friend as they began to walk down the stairs. Tee walked down the stairs past her and stood in front of her holding his arms out "Come on. I'll carry you."

The stubbornness in her wouldn't allow him to help her "I'm fine Tee. I can do it myself." She told him as she slid down the third step onto the fourth.

Tee was standing on the fifth step and didn't take the no for an answer. He grabbed her up bridal style and secured her in his arms properly before he turned and walked down the rest of the stairs with her "You be dragging this chair up 15 stairs everyday?" He asked when they got to the bottom of the stairs.

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