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𝗦𝗔𝗧. 𝗠𝗔𝗬 𝟭𝘀𝘁,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮

Avantee sat on the couch inside Max's hospital room holding onto Ya with his head tilted back and leaning on the window behind him. His eyes stared up at the florescent lights and his mind raced rapidly.

He hadn't been to sleep since he got to the hospital. He couldn't. He spent the last few hours staring off and trying to figure out who would possibly want Max dead? And why?

They weren't street niggas and they didn't get into much with other niggas like that for real so they didn't know who could possibly want Max dead. All the men they've ever had a problem with, they saw them around the city and it was never that. Max was also an out of the way type of nigga. He didn't fuck with nobody unless he was reciprocating energy.

Avantee thought that it was stupid that they were trying to kill Max of all people. Max was never in the city for real because he worked like a dog. Max didn't even like people for real to beef with them.So he kinda leaned towards this being more of a robbery-gone-bad then a planned attack.

As many niggas Avantee done ran off on and stole from, he would've thought they would try to break into his house and try to kill him. He was the grimey yet timid one out of the group. Why didn't they try to take him out? He was also considered the weakest link. You were suppose to hit the weakest link before the heavy hitters. Why the fuck would they choose Max?

"Omg Max! Thank god you're fine!" Avantee head slowly lowered at the sound of Jean's voice filling the room right along with King's running feet.

Avantee glanced over at Max and saw him wide awake staring at them as they walked in. He thought he was still unconscious from the medication they used to take the bullet from his leg in surgery. They didn't know about the leg shot.

King climbed into the bed, accidentally elbowing Juicy in the face and jumped into Max's arm, hugging him tight "Max?! You alright?!"

Jean was next to be all over him. She walked around to the other side of the bed and wrapped her arms around him, kissing the top of his head while rubbing his forehead "Oh thank god you're fine. I was worried sick about you! I jumped on the first flight here!"

"I wish y'all get the fuck off of me. Smothering me like I almost died or some shit." Max mugged them both "And get off my girlfriend head nigga. You disrespectful." He lifted King from off of Juicy.

Avantee scrunched his face up "Nigga you damn neared did. You ran eight blocks leaking blood, left blood on my porch AND my freshly deep cleaned carpet, AND my leather seats talking about almost." He scoffed.

Max mugged him "Shut up."

Jean turned to him and gasped "Teee! I didn't see you sitting over there." She held her arms out as she approached him.

Avantee sat up and held his free arm out "I'm glad you remembered you had a family." He hugged her then pulled back and plucked her "How you been?"

"Oh my Maxy." Max mother entered the room, holding a baby.

Max face soften when he saw his mother. He was the definition of momma's boy "Hey momma."

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 Where stories live. Discover now