𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 𝟮 ☥∙ three

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"Tisza! My man! I'm glad you could make it today!" Tiquan entered inside the stuffy trailer that was turned into an office space, with a look of suspicion etched on his face.

It was his supposedly first day back to the basics hauling drugs across the country scheme when he got a call from his supervisor Tony advising him to come down to the truck lot to exchange a few words with QB and Brad about something that was too important to discuss over the phone.

He wondered what possibly could they want to talk to him about because as far as he was concerned, he was put up to the money and far out of harms way with his paper chase. He hadn't been involved in anything that could potentially affect his money.

The phony smile he saw incised across QB's face but the look of distraught on Brad's, made his suspicion radar go off. Something was off about this little meeting and he reached into his yellow off-white hoodie that was sported with a Amiri Jean jacket on top, and flipped the safety off of his gun. The vibes he was getting from these niggas might ended up with him upping the pole on them.

He nodded his head up in a greeting manner while making his way further inside of the trailer. He glanced around at the office space and saw nothing outside of old and rickety desks, tables full of paper work, printers, posters and canvas coating the wall with trucker slogans and things related to the occupation. 

"Wassup? What's this all about?" He finally reached the desk the two men were sitting at, waiting for him. He extended his hand and slapped hands with the men before taking a squat on the edge of the table behind him.

"How your boys doing? How long they say they down there for?" QB started this meeting out, asking about Tee and Max. 

Tiquan shrugged as he stared at QB, trying to read the energy right now "They straight right now. I don't know how their cases going tho cause they ain't been to court yet."

This earned a brow raise from QB "They been sitting down there this whole time?"

Tiquan nodded "Yeah. They ain't been to court yet. Ever since the judge they got assigned passed away, the courts been backed up trying to split his cases amongst the other judges."

"Damn. This whole time I'm thinking they done went and got the time and shit." QB head shook.

Tiquan looked away from QB over at Brad and saw him spaced out staring at the floor in heavy thought. This caused his brows to furrow "Yo earth to Brad? You here nigga?"  

Brad looked away from  the floor to Tiquan and raised his head a little "Yeah wassup?"

"The fuck wrong with you nigga? You straight?"

"Yeah, I'm straight. I just got some shit on my mind, that's all." Brad waved him off.

"Aw yeah? Like what? What y'all call me up here for? No disrespect but a nigga got a lot to do in little time. What's the big controversy right now?"

"You know your boys down in Houston arm locking with that Rico nigga?" QB asked.

Tiquan brows furrowed. There was no way in hell they called him all the way up here for some gossip "Nah I didn't and quit frankly, I don't give a fuck."

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 Where stories live. Discover now