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𝗧𝗛𝗨𝗥. 𝗔𝗨𝗚𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝟲𝘁𝗵,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

"Vamos al almacén y luego nos vamos a casa." Guadalupe told José. 

It was early morning and majority the boys and  Tisza's older sisters and their friends just came in from clubbing and partying all night. Avantee and Scuba both stayed at the BNB with Guadalupe and José since they couldn't take them to the club due to them being underage.

Scuba didn't feel like partying plus they were drinking all night and he didn't drink so he opted to stay home and babysit the teens. He's also doing some research on the men QB and Brad had them tied to so clubbing wasn't in his plans.

Avantee didn't want to party on this trip at all because he was so eager to get back to the city with Tams. He knew he done fucked up big time with her because she blocked him and his friends from calling and texting her. She was beyond mad at him and he realized how mad she was when she never went back to his house to get her car from in front of his house. It's been parked in the same spot since he left two days ago.

He checked his ring and house cameras hoping she'd been by there to feed and let Daisy out while he wasn't by his phone but it was nothing. She done said fuck him and everything he stood for. He regretted not informing her of the short trip because now he knew she was being serious and wasn't gonna talk to him for real.

He knew she was gonna assume—like he predicted— that he came out to Houston to party with Weez friends and be in their faces when that wasn't the case. He only came to help Guadalupe and José rob one of their cousin's warehouse then help them return back home in El Paso. Nothing about this trip was for enjoyment and entertainment for him. He was simply there for money and intel.

He sat on the couch with his eyes closed, his hoodie pulled over his head and his hands resting inside of his hoodie pocket gripping his 40. He was irritated by how loud and drunk the girls were and he was beyond tired after facing a blunt to force himself to sleep. He'd been stressing over this no contact shit with Tams for the last two days and couldn't wait to get back to Kismet to go see her.

Nigga ain't smiled once since he been in Houston.  

"What she just tell him?" MJ asked Saks.

"I told him where we going." Guadalupe told him when Saks didn't respond. Saks was too drunk to think right now anyways. 

MJ looked at José and pointed at him "You need to learn English." 

Scuba started chuckling "Man leave that Higga alone."

"Bruh what?" They all started laughing.

"Man gone head Scuba dawg." Saks lifted his head up chuckling.

"Nigga just dumb." Vin shook his head.

"Ay Tee?" MJ called when he noticed Avantee wasn't engaging in the conversation.

Avantee eyes opened and he took a moment to focus them before looking MJ way and scrunched his face up "What?"

MJ jerked his head back "Fuck wrong with you?"

"Bunny drunk ass gone come get in my bed and wake me up talking about she need help taking them dumb ass shark boots off. Irritated the shit out of me." He closed his eyes back.

"She been complaining about them ugly ass boots all night." Saks shook his head.

Scuba stared at Avantee with a stank face "The fuck she get in your bed and wake you up for?"

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