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𝗦𝗨𝗡. 𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟭𝟵𝗧𝗛,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

A knock on her driver side window caused her head to quickly fly up from her quick nap and see an angry looking Tee staring at her. Her face quickly frowned as she unlocked the door, causing him to swing it open "What the fuck y—" She cut him off.

"Look. I'm deadass wrong for what I did. I meant it when I said I wanted to talk to you face to face to apologize and explain why I did what I did." She grabbed her wheels to her wheelchair.

Tee crossed his arms, still staring at her "Okay so go ahead and explain."

Tamsyn remained quiet as she grabbed her chair. She pulled it across her lap only for Tee to stop her "Don't take that out. You won't be here for long."

She frowned at him, slowly pushing the chair back into her passenger seat. Her feelings were now hurt because she wasn't used to Tee being mean. It was the other way around "Oh okay." She muttered, grabbing her wheel and placed it back into the car. 

Tee leaned on the door impatiently waiting for her to tell him the truth. He'd had a rough early morning and wanted a shower and to go to bed. Tamsyn placed her wheel back into the passenger seat then looked up at Tee frowning still.

"I apologize for ghosting you over a text message. I got in my feelings about it because I've developed some feelings for you and when I start liking somebody, I expect them to read my mind and act accordingly on my feelings without even saying anything. I expect niggas to pick up or get the hint that I like them and make the first move. I know that ain't right and I know my actions were childish because I'm used to acting like that with other niggas, and they'd chase me. I thought you liked me as much as I liked you and I expected you to stop doing what you're doing with other girls to focus on me when we're just friends. I realized that I was in fact tripping over nothing and I'm sorry. I'm already disabled and tripping for no reason and I know you're messing with other people so I wouldn't be mad if you're not fucking with me anymore and I accept that. I just wanted to apologize and tell you my reasoning." 

"Who is Reonte?" Tee asked, making her brows furrow.

"I just apologized. Why is he asking me about another nigga instead of accepting my apology?" She thought as she stared at him.

Tee stared back at her "Hello? I ain't talking to a brick wall."

"Why are you asking me ab—"

"That's your ex or something?"

Tamsyn remained silent. She didn't know how he knew about Reonte and why he was focusing on him at that moment. Her silence didn't sit right with Tee tho. He just turned and walked away from the car, slamming her door shut. Tamsyn jumped at the aggressiveness and watched in shock as he walked around her car and headed up his walkway.

She quickly pushed the door open "Tee wait! It's my FL and he's dead!" She grabbed her wheel and began to set her chair up.

"Go home Tamsyn." Tee replied while pulling his house key out of his pocket.

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