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𝗦𝗔𝗧. 𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟭𝟲𝘁𝗵,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

King ran into the kitchen, over to where Mr. Gene was sitting at the table, holding up an unopened bag of Hershey kisses "Papa?! Nikki say ask you if I can have some of these."

Mr. Gene slapped his card down, laughing at the loud reaction he received from Tisza and Scub "Man nah! You over there hiding cards!" Scuba went off while tossing his stack of cards in the pile with the rest.

"On god he is! Niggas over there cheating!" Tisza agreed while gathering up the cards.

Avantee laughed as he sat back in his chair, watching his father open the bag of kisses for King. He dumped a large amount onto the table then handed him the bag "Make sure you share with everybody." He said as he handed him the bag.

King grabbed the bag nodding "Yes sir. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Mr. Gene grabbed three pieces from his pile and held them out for Avantee to grab.

Avantee accepted the chocolate, sitting two on the table and opening one "Nick! Max! We playing a five dollar game!" Scuba yelled out of the kitchen.

It was a chilled Saturday evening, Avantee and his friends were over at his childhood home doing their daily visit to see and hang with his father and sister. The boys were in the kitchen playing rounds of five and ten dollar spades enjoying each other's presence.

It'd been three days since Avantee last saw and talked to Tams. He'd been calling and texting her but she hadn't been returning any of his calls and messages. He went by her house the other day and she didn't even bother to answer the door for him. He didn't know what exactly he did for her to draw back from him so sudden but he had an idea that Scuba text message about the four man was the reason.

He was feeling her more than ever and knowing she was giving him the silent treatment over a little text message, confirmed his wonders of her liking him just as much as he liked her. He planned on letting her continue to give him the silent treatment for one more day before he broke into her house and make her talk to him.

Nikki and her best friend Kuda walked into the kitchen side by side while Max and Mj trailed behind them laughing and cracking jokes "Y'all gotta beware of Tee and Pops. Them niggas over there putting cards up their anuses and stuff." Scuba told the four as they joined them at the table.

Avantee sucked his teeth while the rest of them laugh "Oh nigga please. Y'all niggas just suck." Mr. Gene waved him off as he sucked on the chocolate.

"Exactly. Y'all should be mad at each other. Y'all suck like shit." Avantee chuckled a response.

Nikki walked past Avantee, popping his arm "Watch your mouth."

Avantee made a stank face as he popped her back "Don't be popping me."

"Yeah. Watch your mouth but he right. Y'all need to be mad at each other." Mr. Gene agreed, picking up a five dollar bill from his pile of money and tossing it to the middle of the table with the rest of the five dollar bills.

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