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𝗦𝗨𝗡. 𝗝𝗨𝗟𝗬 𝟰𝘁𝗵,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

Avantee sat on the edge of the bench beside Tams, laughing at Tisza's cousin's have a drunk dance battle. Tisza eldest brother, Miron, and Max older cousin, Nate, set the fire works up in the middle of the field with help from some of their friends. Tisza's female family and friends helped out with the food and drinks and keeping the kids entertained.

Max little cousins were on Dj duty playing some good mix. The kids ran around with sparklers and toys to keep them busy until the light show. Everybody was standing and sitting around laughing and smiling at the great time being had. Avantee died his laughter down, taking a moment to look around the busy park.

Tho it was nothing but great and positive energy surrounding him at the moment, he could never fully function without feeling a little on edge about everything. Everyone around him knew that it was naturally like him to be so in and out of the serious and bubbly moments, except Tams. She didn't know him that well to not understand that it was not a bad thing when he was disassociating from his reality.

Only an observant person could spot something as small as Avantee switching from a normal person one minute to a paranormal maniac the next minute. The way his smile disappeared and he leaned his back against the picnic table and his head automatically became on a swivel, with a serious expression on his face, let her know that he was in some sort of serious state.

Avantee continued his protection gaze until he felt a tap on his arm, which caused him to quickly glare to his left at Tams with a mug on his face. He relaxed his face to a neutral state when he saw the concern look on her face "What's wrong? Why you look so mad?" She voiced her concern.

Avantee just shook his head as he went back to looking around responding "Nothing's wrong mean girl cripple. A nigga just peeping the scene." He looked behind them making her look back as well. He looked at her and smiled saying "Just vibe. Everything's straight."

She stared at him with a questionable look "You sure everything's alright? You keep looking around and that's putting me on edge, not even gone hold you."

He nodded glancing around before looking and smiling at her "Everything's good. I'm just looking. Damn a nigga can't look around now?"

Tams chuckled as she begin to relax again "You can look around all you want. Just don't be looking around like a mad man, scaring me. I ain't from around here so I don't know what you deem fucked up as normal." She admits.

Avantee chuckled. He never met a girl as attentive as he was before. It was like a dream unfolding right before his eyes "Ain't nothing gone happen while we out here. You just can't be too sure tho and not make sure to look and stay on point tho."

She squinted her eyes as she leaned back in her chair, draping one arm over the back of the chair and propping the other up on her wheelchair armrest "So what exactly do you do? You still haven't told me that answer yet."

Avantee furrowed his eyebrows as he took glances around the area to avoid making long eye contact with her "I thought I already told you what we did in the store?"

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