𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 𝟮 ☥∙ one

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"Yay dropped Ahri down the stairs last night after mom told him don't try to walk downstairs with her because she's half his size." Mira stood inside her connected bathroom, doing her morning routine, while on the phone with Avantee.

Avantee's brows raised as he listened to the water run in her background "He dropped my baby down the stairs? Is she okay? Did your momma beat him?"

"She's fine and yes she beat him. That's what he gets too because he's hardheaded and doesn't listen." Mira pat her face dry after turning off the water "He can't hold her on his owns anymore. She said he has to be supervised while holding her."

"He do. Cause how the fuck you drop my baby down the fucking stairs? I'ma kick his hardheaded ass."

Mira chuckled while applying aquaphor to her face "Mom said that's what you would've said if you were here when it happened."

"Cause she knows me." Avantee smiled at the thought "Where Ahri at now? She sleep?"

"No. Mom getting her and Yay dressed. I'm surprise you don't hear her in there cursing him out right now." Mira placed the aquaphor bottle on the countertop organizer then grabbed her phone and exited the bathroom, turning the light out.

Avantee head shook "What he do now?"

Mira sat her phone down on the bed and grabbed her gold Michael Kors puffer coat and placed it on "She had to wake that fool up three times already and it's almost time for the bus to come."

Avantee laughed "Give that nigga the phone."

"Okay. Give me a second. I'm putting on my shoes now." She laced up her purple and white high top chuck taylors.

"Okay." He turned to look at the correctional officers wheeling in the breakfast trays. He looked up at the digital clock and saw it was almost 7 o'clock, which was breakfast time for the inmates.

He turned and leaned his back against the wall when one of the correctional officers began to head in his direction with a clipboard "Did you turn your history project in? What grade did you get for it?"

Mira gasped, remembering about her project "Oh yeah! I got a A plus because I got creative and used metal and wire instead of wood sticks and straws! Mines didn't fall down like everyone else's either." She boasted while grabbing her book bag and phone from the bed "Thank you for giving me the idea to use metal and wire."

Avantee smiled while reaching out to grab the clip board to sign his initials by his name. It was a breakfast log confirming that each inmate got their tray of food "You welcome mama. Hurry up and give the phone to Yay tho cause it's about to hang up and y'all bus finna come." He handed the clipboard back to the officer then looked at the dial pad and saw he only had five minutes left on the phone call.

Mira sprayed on some perfume before grabbing her phone and rushing out of her room "Hurry up and get that damn shirt on! Your bus be here in five fucking minutes!" Avantee smiled at the sound of Tamsyn cursing Yay's ass out.

Oh how he missed hearing her cursing him out like that on a regular.

"Dad on the phone." Mira walked into Yay's room and informed them.

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 Where stories live. Discover now