𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 𝟮 ☥∙ two

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"Come to mommy stink man." Nikki sat beside her couch, with her arms out wide smiling and encouraging her son to crawl to her.

"Come to me daddy." Ashanti cooed, laid out beside her with his arms extended.

"Come to mommy stinkabutt."

"Come to me fat daddy."

AJ crawled looking between the both of them as they called for him. He paused and smiled then rocked back and forth excitedly looking at them both. Drool fell from his gummy mouth and he laughed a little.

"Come on fat man. Come on fat daddy." Ashanti smiled and encouraged.

"Come to me stinkaaa." Nikki dragged, still encouraging as well. 

AJ continued to smile and slowly crawl in Nikki's direction. She grew excited as she continued to encouraged him to crawl to her. He continued her way until he looked in Ashanti's direction seeing him still encouraging as well and decided last second to go to him instead.

"Come on fat dadddyyy." Ashanti dragged excitedly, waiting for him to crawl into his arms. When he did, He wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek obsessively "Hey daddy man."

Nikki shoulders slouched and she pouted watching them have their little moment "Wow. So no love for momma huh?"

Ashanti continued to entertain AJ for a moment before he looked up at her and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He placed a kiss on her chin as he pulled her down to their level "You know it's gone always be enough love for momma too." He kissed her cheek.

Nikki grinned a little as she laid comfortably beside him. She smiled at AJ while cleaning the drool from his chin "Hey mommas stinkaman." 

AJ reached out for her, making her grab him and prop him up in her front of them both "Hey stinkabutt butt." She swung his arms around, cooing at him.

Ashanti smiled watching AJ smile broadly at his mother. His four front teeth displayed, brightening up his day. He loved everything about his little man's smile. He loved seeing it daily.

"Hey daddy man." He tickled his stomach a little, earning a little squeal from AJ.

"He's such a happy baby." Nikki smiled as she stared at AJ excitedly rocking back and forth in front of them.

"As he should be. He ain't got shit to not be happy about." Ashanti replied as he looked at her.

Nikki's smiled slowly dissolved and she quickly rolled onto her back, groaning in pain. Ashanti frowned and he reached out to caress her side "She footing you again?" He asked as his eyes traveled down to her growing protruding belly.

Nikki nodded, face etched in pain as the fetus growing inside of her womb sent painful kicks to the right side of her stomach "Kicking the hell out of me!" She whined.

Ashanti gave her a sympathetic look while he continued to caress over her working body "You on this hard ass floor. You want me to carry you to the room?"

Nikki's head shook as she held her stomach, feeling the pain slowly stop "No. I'm fine. She stopped now."

He leaned over and kissed her stomach obsessively before pushing himself up from the floor and helped her sit up "What time Kuda supposed to be coming over? It's almost time for me to leave but I'm not leaving until she gets here."

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 Where stories live. Discover now