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𝗙𝗥𝗜. 𝗔𝗣𝗥𝗜𝗟 𝟮𝟯𝗿𝗱,𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮


god I hope this doesn't sound crazy! But can Tamira stay with you guys for a few days?? We're going to Utah to visit my parents and well ... they are racist and I don't want Tamira experiencing any rude and nasty behavior towards her because of her skin!

She can come over around 10? because we're planning to leave by 11

TODAY 11:42 AM

Omg I just woke up!!

Did you guys leave?!!!

I'm so sorry she can stay!!

We had to leave to get to the airport in time! She's in the house right now you can call her and tell her that you're up and that she can come over

Surprisingly she was okay with being left alone which is odd to me because my kids will have a meltdown if I left them alone for five minutes

Shannon girl she black black people used to being left unattended it's in our DNA

But when are you guys come back?

Tuesday night

Oh she's good til then

Thanks for sending her over here instead of taking her on the trip

No problem! Thanks for spending time with her!

I just have one more question..

Yeah? What you need?

Are you her biological mother??

You and Tamira are literal twins down to the name.. I didn't want to ask you this but she came to me and asked me if you might can be her real mom because Tee must've called you her mom towards her or something idk I told her you weren't because I wasn't too sure

oh I'm gonna kill Tee's ass!

Yes.. I am... please don't tell her tho because I don't know how she would react if I told her that I didn't want her then I don't want her to look at me differently than she already does I love her😩!!!!

the more I spend time around her, the more I regret giving her up for adoption she is such a good kid!! Your brother in law and his wife did a great job with raising her

Please don't take this opportunity away so quick because ik I'm not supposed to be around her anymore

Oh no honey!!! You are fine! She's your daughter!! You can spend as much time with her as you want!! I would never take away from a mother being a mother myself!!

I will respect your wishes and not tell her you can do that on your own time

thank you so much Shannon I love you girl!!! You're so nice😩😩!

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