Jisung and Seungmin

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Kinda angst

"Hyunjin today my mom called and she called us over for dinner tomorrow." Han said while working.

"Oh please I cannot go there again! She treats you like a little boy and looks at me as if I am a witch you brainwashed you into leaving her. And she is so rude to Seungmin it hurts to watch."

"Aigoo come on please. I will make sure she doesn't say anything bad about you both."

"Ugh fine."

"Seungmin your mom called and she invited you over for dinner tomorrow."

"I'm not going."

"You have to."

"I don't want to! Everytime I go there eomma appa act like I am nothing but they treat Jisung as if he is the only person in the world. It's irritating. I do my best at everything but Jisung always does it better than me. When I first took you there they told you that you have a terrible choice."

"Well you don't have a choice. You are going." Minho left the room.

Seungmin sighed and went back to work.


Everyone was eating dinner on the huge dining table.

"So Jisung how is work lately?" Eomma asked.

"Oh it's great I got a raise because of my good work."

"Awww that is great."

"Eomma I got a promotion at work." Seungmin tried to get her attention.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth. And Jisungie how much raise did you get?"

Seungmin looked down and quietly ate his food.

"It doesn't matter eomma. But Seungmin it is great! You got a promotion! Good job." Jisung said trying to lighten his brother up.

It brought a smile to his face. "I-"

"Yeah that's great but Seungmin works at architecture company, you know drawing houses and stuff. How hard can it be? And Jisung works at an advertisement company. It is great."

(I don't mean to offend all the people who are architecture students or are architects. I know your job is as hard as others if not harder.)

"My job is more than that..." Seungmin murmured.

Hyunjin held his hand from under the table and stroked it trying to comfort him.

They finished dinner and were just talking randomly.

"Honestly Minho you could have done better." Eomma laughed (witch)

Seungmin just remained quiet.

"You are so adorable and pretty. You are completely out of Seungmin's league. Honestly you should have married Jisung. He deserves someone pretty like you."

Hyunjin and Seungmin were very hurt at that comment.

"Eomma please I am happy with Jinnie. And Minho is happy with Seungmin. They have a kid together. Everything is great the way it is." Jisung tried to diffuse the situation.

Hyunjin looked at Jisung and smiled. He mouthed thank you to Jisung for defending him.

"Minho could have been happier if Seungmin had a better job. When you were kids you scored such good marks and worked hard. Seungmin was lazy and never tried at all."

"Eomma that is not true, Seungmin always tried his best. I know it."

"Well he was he would have gotten good grades and had a better job. But he doesn't does he? That proves that he is lazy and never works for anything. Minho probably works and earns more money than Seungmin otherwise Seungmin couldn't have earned anything on his own."

Each word just dug a knife deeper and deeper into Seungmin's heart.

"Eomma that is enough."

"I am just being honest. Huh I don't know why I even decided to have him if I knew he would be such a big disappointment."

That was the final straw.

Seungmin slammed his hands on the table and stood up. "That's enough!" He shouted making everyone flinch. "I am so sick and tired of all your comments! All my life I had did everything in my power to make you impressed and love me but you have done nothing but criticise me! I am leaving!"

With that Seungmin stormed out of the dining room and went to the roof top. He got on top of the railing at sat on it and started crying.

Minho quickly arrived and widened his eyes when he saw Seungmin sitting in such a risky way.


Seungmin looked back. "Why does it matter? I am not good enough for anyone! My mom, you."

"Kim Seungmin get off the railing this instant."

"Okay fine I am getting off." He jumped off the railing making Minho gasp and cover his eyes.

But Seungmin was standing on the the edge of wall.

"Seungmo jagi please come back~"

Honestly Seungmin was shocked hearing him say that. But he still was sad about earlier.

"A loser like me should just die."

"No! Get back here right now!"

"I am not! I am tired of everyone criticising me! My mom criticises me and you also. You always curse at me and hit me!"

"Seungmo you know I am bad at displaying of affection but you know that I love you don't you?"


"Also think about Changbin! He looks up to you! And he wants both his parents by his side."

Seungmin softened at that and nodded. "You are right. Okay fine I am coming back."

He tried to climb over to the other side of the bars but his foot slipped and....

Minho's cat reflexes took action and he immediately grabbed Seungmin's arm and pulled him up.

Minho teared up because he thought that he would lose Seungmin. "You. Flipping. Dumbass!!" Minho hit Seungmin but then hugged him tightly.

"Are you crazy?! That was so dangerous!"

Seungmin just smiled getting a confirmation that Minho still loves him.

He gave Minho a small kiss.


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