Jeonglix babysitting

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"Thank you so much for looking after them." Minho told Jeongin while shaking his hands. "I know we don't know each other very well but this is very sweet of you."

(How is Minho talking so sweetly?)

"You're welcome. Plus this might be a good experience for us, you know~" Jeongin said. "You guys should go now~~ enjoy your date."

"Yeah you're right. Seungmo let's go." Minho told his husband who was rocking his babies in both his arms.

(That's some talent)

"Can't we stay a little longer? I am not ready to leave my babies alone yet..." He looked at Minho with puppy eyes.

"But Seungmo we will be late for our reservation."

"You're right...." Seungmin looked at his babies and gave them a kiss on their foreheads. "Appa will miss you both."

"What about me?!" Changbin asked crossing his arms.

"Yeah you too."

"Seungmo don't do that. You will become like your eomma."

Seungmin widened his eyes. "Oh yeah you are right. I don't wanna be like that b- witch."

(Yeah sure of course that is exactly what you were trying to say. We believe you)

Seungmin put Minyoon on his lap and very very very very very carefully placed Seungyoon on the couch, putting his hand under his smol delicate head and slowly removed it.

Then he did the same with Minyoon.

"Are you done?" Minho crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow like a material gworl.

"Changbin come here." Seungmin said. Changbin stood in front of him. Seungmin kissed his head and patted it.

"I will miss you. And my sweet babies. I can't bear this separation!"

"Let's go!"

"Okay okay I am coming." Seungmin went with him. They bid goodbye to Jeonglix and left the house.

(Chan went to Hyunsung's house I think)

"Sooo what do you wanna have for dinner?" Felix asked Changbin.

"I will have anything. I don't wanna give you too much trouble."

"Aww don't worry about that~ tell me what do you want? I haven't made anything yet."

"Uh... Bibimmyeon?"

"Okay~ Innie you make the formula and feed the babies."

"I don't know how to make formula!"

"Just use the clean bottles, put in the powder and pour warm water into it. Warm water."

"Oh okay." He did as told and brought the bottles to the couch.

"Can I feed one of them??" Changbin asked.

"Sure." He handed one bottle to Changbin.

Changbin picked up Minyoon and placed him on his lap. "Be a bit careful with Seungyoon. He slaps people a lot."

"Okay but I am sure he won't slap a handsome man like me~ right baby??~" Jeongin bent a little to kiss Seungyoon.


Jeongin gasped and Changbin laughed at him.

"Told ya."

"Hm whatever. Anyways, how's school? Do they bully you anymore?"

"No I stopped paying attention to them so now they don't bother me anymore."

"That's great. And do you like anyone?~" Jeongin smirked.

Changbin blushed. "N-No I don't."

"Don't lie~"

"Ugh fine there is this guy in my school. He's taaaaalll. His name is Yeonjun."

"Ooh. Have you talked yet?"

"No I don't think he would like me..."

"Come on you should at least try."

"Okay if you say so."

He wasn't gonna talk to Yeonjun. He only said that to end the conversation.

"Dinner is ready~~" Felix brought a tray with three plates and placed them on the living room table. "Innie put on something on the TV."

"Sure. Changbin what do you wanna watch?"

"Can we watch a Pokemon movie?"

"Ooh I love Pokemon! Me and your appa used to fight imaginary battles in our teen years."

"That's cool! Me and my friends do that too!"

Jeongin put on a Pokemon movie and they all watched together.


Minho and Seungmin returned from their date to pick their kids up.

The minute the door opened, Seungmin rushed to his smol babies who got excited to see him and raised their tiny arms towards him.

Seungmin picked them up and kissed all over their smol faces.

"I missed you guys so much!! And you too Changbin!"

Seungyoon reached out his arm to Jeongin. "Inni!"

Jeongin widened his eyes. Oh god not again...

Everyone gasped.

Minyoon followed his brother and said, "Inni!"

"Jeongin what do you do?! Do you like put spells on babies?!" Minho asked in a playful angry tone.

Meanwhile Seungmin was in a different trauma. "Why is their first word not my name. I showed them so much love. Seongjin's first word was Jeongin's name. Even Changbin's first word was Jeongin's name... It seems like God is against me."

"Aigoo Seungmin I'll tell you what, when we have our own kid we will ask you to babysit him so that his first word will be your name." Felix said with a smile.

"Ooh we are making a baby?~" Jeongin smirked.

"Maybe~" Felix smiled back.


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