Hyunjin gets fired

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"Uhm... Principal sir did you call for me?" Hyunjin nervously entered the office.

"Yes, Hyunjin please have a seat."

Hyunjin sat down on the chair in front of the principal.

"What's wrong sir?"

"Listen, you are very good at your job... But I am gonna have to fire you."

"What?! Why?"

"Because of you the students are not paying attention to their lessons..."

"That is not true! I do not wear anything revealing, neither do I try to seduce them. I only try to help them learn!"

"I know but the students take your photos. Their parents saw those photos and they are blaming you."

"Then can't you do something about it?!"

"It won't work. The parents have seen your photos and complained in ptms about you, they are saying and I quote, 'we don't want this bimbo ruining our children's minds.' "

Hyunjin gasped and got up from the chair.

"You know what?! I don't even want this stupid position anymore! Bye!"

Hyunjin stormed out of the room and went to the dance studio to be with Minho.

Minho was observing his students through the mirror.

Hyunjin quietly opened the door and came inside the studio. Minho stopped the music in the middle.


"No no it's not that. Go guys take a break." Minho went to Hyunjin and sat down beside him.

"You make your student's practice for 9 hours?!"

"No no I tell them to take care of themselves more than focusing on dance practice."

"You need to be more friendly towards them, oh wait, scratch that, being friendly will get you nowhere." Hyunjin was about to cry but he looked up to prevent tears.

"What do you mean?"

"I got fired."

"WHAT?!" Minho and the students shouted together.

"The students parents are saying that I am a bimbo who is ruining the student's minds!" Hyunjin broke down.

"WHAT DID THEY CALL YOU?!" Minho clenched his fists. "Oh they are gonna pay for that. But Hyunjin don't let that discourage you like that! You are gonna find a better job than this!"


"Yeah! And as for those people who called you a bimbo, just wait and see what I will do."

"Thanks hyung." Hyunjin stopped crying.

His phone started ringing. It was Jeongin.


"Hyung!" Jeongin sounded like he was crying.

"Wha- what happened Innie why are you crying?!" Hyunjin's caring bro side immediately came out.

"I... I... Ch-cheated on Felix hyung..."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted together.

(The students be like :- this some good drama)

"Jeongin YOU cheated on Felix?! Why?! I didn't expect YOU to do this!!"

"I know I should kill myself!!!" Jeongin cried more.

"But what did you exactly do?" Hyunjin asked. "Stop crying Jeongin, tell me what did you do?"

"Y-yesterday I-I help Minho hyung move some boxes... And.. to thank me he... He..."

"Minho hyung what did you?" Hyunjin asked Minho.

"All I did was hug him!"

"What you hugged him and he thinks that he cheated on Fe- what the fuck?!"

"What?! I hugged someone who is not Felix hyung! I cheated on Felix hyung!! I am a terrible person!! And I hate you Minho hyung for tempting me!"

"Ohh my my how is Felix gonna deal with this heartbreak??" Minho said sarcastically.

"Shut up! Get lost!" Hyunjin ended the call.


Jisung also heard about Hyunjin getting fired and he was ready to poison the principal and all the parents.

Hyunjin got a call from Chan.

"Hey appa..."

"Hey Hyunjin I heard about your situation. If you are interested, you can work under me in my company."

"Really? But what if they treat me different because I am your son?"

"They won't. I will not let them say anything bad about you, don't worry."

"Thank you appa. I will think about it."


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