I dunno what to name this

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I cannot believe I brought this to 20 parts and it is not stuck at 100 views.

Thank you y'all.

This chapter kinda boring.


Hyunjin, Felix and Minho were hanging out at a mall. Hyunjin and Felix suggested that they not hang out until Minho had the baby because they didn't want him to take any trouble.

But Minho loved hanging out so he suggested that they hung out but he would take care of what he would eat.

They were sitting in a restaurant having lunch and talking about random stuff.

"Minho hyung I have a question." Felix asked.


"I have always wondered, how did you and Seungmin happen? Like earlier you used to be so rude and toxic towards him. How did you agree you to marry each other and have a kid?"

"Believe me or not, it was a love marriage. Before we got married, we met in college. I was a senior and he was a freshman. We went to dates and all. And I had some anger issues. But he being a sweetheart still agreed to marry me. My anger issues worsened a little. But the couple therapy that Jisung appointed for us opened my eyes and now I am trying to control my anger as well. It is not good for the baby and I don't want Seungmin to leave me."

"That's sweet. And good too. Trust me it hurt so bad to see Seungmin with bruises. And still he would blame himself for everything."

Minho looked down as he remembered what a person he used to be in the past.

"Come on now let's forget what happened in the past!" Hyunjin said trying to cheer Minho up.

"Yeah... Hyunjin? How did you and Jisung meet?"

"When we were in hi-"

"They fought each other like crazy." Felix interrupted.

"Wait what?! How do you know that?? And is that true?!"

"We both are best friends since high school. And yes that is true. Hyunjin was an old student in the high school and he had very good grades. Then Jisung joined and his grades were as good as Hyunjin's. The teacher praised Jisung a lot and Hyunjin got jealous."

Hyunjin took a sip from his drink in embarrassment.

"Wow Hyunjin." Minho smirked.

"Then there was a time when they both got into a fist fight."


Hyunjin covered his face. He wanted to forget all that but now the memories rushed back.

"And and remember Seungmin used to have a crush on you?? But Jisung stole you from him."

Minho clenched his fist but suddenly he remembered to be calm.

(If you want a detailed chapter on their pasts please say yes! And I am not gonna include 2min's because it's literally nothing.)

"Okay yOngBok that's enough."

"What did you just call me?"

"Yong. Bok!"

"What did I say about calling me that?!" Felix poked Hyunjin's sides harshly.

(That hurts to bad)


"That's what you get for calling me that."

"Okay enough kids." Minho said. "By the way Felix, I don't wanna sound rude. But have you ever thought of... You know starting a family with Jeongin?"

"I... Don't know. I am not ready to have a kid right now. And because of that I am starting to think that Jeongin might get mad at me."

"He won't." Hyunjin said. "As much as it pains me to say this, he is a good man. If he gets mad at you or forces you then you tell me I will break his eggs."

"Uh thanks?" Felix was weirded out.

"Jeongin have you thought of starting a family?" Jisung asked Jeongin.

The others were sitting on the couch watching Pokémon movies in a marathon.

"Yes I want a child. But I don't know if Felix hyung wants one. I really want one though."

"Okay then you have to ask him then." Jisung said.

"Shh guys let me watch in peace. Mewtwo and Mew are gonna have a battle."

"Are you a kid?" Jisung asked.

"At least I am tall." Seungmin said.


Jeongin and Felix were at their homes and they were talking about their day.

"Minho hyung asked me if I wanted a child."

"That's crazy, Jisung hyung asked me that too."

"Well... I am not ready right now. I hope you are okay with that. I hope you won't leave me."

"I won't leave you. And I never want to put you through things that you don't want to do. Whenever you are ready I will still be with you." Jeongin kissed Felix's forehead.

"Thanks baby foxy~~"



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